
Monday, May 1, 2017

SOS Reivew

I thought that the SOS invention was thoroughly thought out and well explained and presented. The concept of the idea especially stood out to me because of its eco -friendly intention. I live with three other roommates that are girls and they are always leaving the lights on whenever they step out the house. Every month our light and gas bill is through the roof due to this problem. The beaker box is a great idea that can tackle this problem due to the face that I am able to cut off all the unused energy in the house at the touch of a finger.

In addition, I also really like the grocery item expiration barcode app. One can scan the item’s barcode with the phone and it will load up the expiration date. It also informs the person ways you can store the grocery item in order to further its expiration date. I always go grocery shopping weekly but I find that these items expire faster than I expect. As a result, I waste a lot of money because I am not able to use the whole thing due to molding and what not.

There’s also an app that informs you on how to garden and the different methods in order to. I really like this part of the invention because I’ve always wanted to plant different types of flowers, such as carnations, but never had the time or knowledge too. If I could also start a herb garden I would be able to save a lot of time and money. I would also be helping the Earth a lot as well.

The reward network rewards users with prizes every time they reach a milestone with the point system. This motivates users to go out and help the Earth. Personally, I know it would motivate me a lot. Who doesn't like to be rewarded free things for their hard work?

Overall, this presentation incorporated a lot of background information and statistics in order to provide their audience clarification and credibility. To conclude, this presentation was my most favorite. I would definitely download this app and help donate, if possible.

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