
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Why not replace landfills with huge BioCans?

BioCan was so creative and new I was completely amazed at how this could actually be a real world thing. Growing up instead of throwing away the food that could be decomposed my family and I would just put them is our compost bins. We would always make sure that we would recycle anything that could be recycled because we did not want more garbage in the world then what there already is. However, knowing that there are still items that cannot be decomposed nor recycled, and they are continually being piled high with ideas that are chemically hurting our planet. Not only is it being put in landfills but it is also slowing consuming our neighborhoods. This BioCan in everyone's homes and businesses will not only help our landfills stop from growing. 

It was so inclined at how this would work that I started thinking that instead of leaving it up to the will and choice of every individual person that could afford this new and improved trash can. This should not be limited to just the middle class and higher that can afford this machine. This machine needs to be free to everyone. Not only do they need to be free to everyone they should be used as community trash cans around the world. This invention shows how we can clean the earth and protect it from all of the harmful produces and chemicals we make by making something that counteract these toxins to the earth. 

The presentation of the BioCan was not only of smaller machine that can fit in a normal size kitchen and home but also the size a dumpster that we see on the sides of businesses and large buildings. These dumpster sized BioCans need to be distributed to every business as well. This may cause of destroying information that does not need to be destroyed therefore the distributors of the machines are the only one that can turn them on after being inspected. As for the current day landfills they should be collected and put into a huge BioCan that will get ride of the massive contaminates our society makes. This will make sure we get ride of all the trash around the world and will continue to balance out how much we produce versus how much we destroy. Everything needs a check and balance system for everything that is created.

Road to 100% Voter Turnout

In today’s day and age, you can do almost anything with your phone.  As everything continues to move towards being accessible on the go, it would be natural that things such as voting also follow that trend.  Thus I think that an app like Vote USA would be a great idea not only because it makes voting more convenient, but it will lead to more people voting.  The statistics that were presented in class during the presentation about our generations voting numbers are astounding, and an app like Voting USA would definitely improve the voter turnout in our age group.  The app would also allow for people to vote more easily.  Today, you must go to your designated voting place in order to vote, and sometimes, it is just too much of an inconvenience and thus causes people to not cast their votes.  Besides this, out-of-state students for example, would most likely not be able to take the time to travel home to cast their vote, and casting an absentee ballot would be too much of a hassle as well.  An app like this then would take care of those problems.  Not only would you be able to vote from anywhere in the world, but the government would be saving money by implementing a system such as Vote USA.  Besides making it easier to vote, the system would allow almost instantaneous and live election votes as the votes were cast from the mobile device.  This would add a more exciting edge to voting which would likely increase voter turnout further.  While this system offers lots of ideas to make voting easier, there are some security concerns associated with a system that allows for mobile casting of votes.  The problem of making sure that the person casting the ballot is who they say they are is one of the largest.  This I think however, can be easily fixed with the use of a finger print scanner in the device which is used to cast the ballot.  Further, I could envision a retina scanner of sorts on phones in the near future that could also be used to verify the identity of the person using the app.  In addition to this problem however, the problem of hacking also becomes an issue.  This however is already a problem with any type of mobile system, and the number of incidents in which something actually gets hacked is relatively small.  Thus I don’t foresee much in the way of dangers associated from the hacking of this service and especially if the government implements a high level of security for the system.  Overall, I think what Vote USA would be able to accomplish if it existed would be of much importance for the country as a whole.

Cellective Meats

Short run down: Our project is an amendment of food industry cruelty towards animals.

Project Members: Victor Hoestbo; David Wilder; Damian Kaminski

Dropbox guest URL for Background Info.

Website for Cellective Meats

For donations email:

I want to Pa$s the Buc

At the beginning of the presentation of Pa$s the Buc, I was shocked to find out that a single student spends around $1,200. I kind of had an idea about how much a student spends on the books he or she buys, because of buying books and also of friends at different universities. As a student and having to buy books every semester and most of the time at the most expensive price, I have always wondered if I knew more people or if I was connected to more people at my school I would be able to get the book I needed for free or even cheaper than the Amazon price. This Pa$s the Buc app and website is a great idea that connects so many students to be able to sell/give them to the future students who need them. This is such a creative idea that I would have never even thought to intently about.

I was impressed by their idea of having not only selling a book but also being able to trade. Pa$s the Buc app was a great way to connect students to cheaper and more effective way to get school supplies. Not only is it hard to find out if someone has taken the class before and still has the books but the people who do not need the books anymore is willing to sell them. Not only can one sell books but also sell pieces of clothing, which is great for students that cannot afford the overpriced of new clothing. I know how it is when we as students are on already a low income and paying for one more piece of Buc clothing or one week's pay. This app and website is so great that I wish I was real to help everyone save money, even if it was only a little cheaper then Chegg or Amazon.

I was still skeptical of the trading part of the app for a book or item for trade of service(s). This could potentially cause some problems with the bad part of society. However the idea of this invention is worth it for everything can be used in the wrong way or be abused. When someone in the class showed that this could potentially be a problem and questioned the makers of this Pa$s the Buc they explained how that could be solved by the reviews of a specific person. Not only could it be reported as a review but it would notify the makers of the issue so that why it would be handled correctly. This is very important to me for it is something that protects us all from the evil of the world and still allows us students to future our education without severely damaging our wallets.

Pa$$ the Buc - A brilliant Idea

Pa$$ the buc is a great idea for  selling and buying books and other things for a better prices than any other place. Just the fact that you can use up to $1000 each year just on books is crazy. The whole idea of books being that expensive, is just ridiculous. I think that it is a ripoff to offer the books for that much when you know that college kids are financially stressed.

This app is a great way of helping out college students looking for books, but also the ones trying to sell them. I really think that this would be a great place for people to save money, but also make money. One of my concerns with this app is, why students should sell their books over this app instead of some other place where they might get some more money for it than on the app. It might be easier to sell it on this app, but if people can get more money, then that is what they will choose. A solution to this could be to spread awareness of the fact that you will help fellow students, and that you are not selling them on there to make a lot of money, but to help out students.

Another concern is how you can make sure that the person that is trying to sell the book really has the book and is not just getting the money and not giving the book. This could be solved by a refund function, where if you don't receive the book in 7 days of paying then you will receive the money back. This money will then be draw out of the sellers account.

The presentation of this app was good, and seemed well prepared. The PowerPoint was neat and clean and looked great.

Lift Yourself: Community of Support

 Lift Yourself is a website dedicated to being a ray of sunshine in the lives of the millions of depressed and anxious individuals by bringing them together. The premise of the site is to provide a forum complete with chat rooms, events, and professional help that can fundamentally alter the way people cope with the disorders. One of the best features of the site is the availability to schedule assessments with psychologists and psychiatrists to truly understand what's going on within a person's psyche and possibly reducing the amount of anxiety that surrounds knowing there is a problem, but not knowing what exactly it is.  Criticisms of Lift Yourself seem to look past the "merely possible" aspect of the project. A question that was posed to the group was, "what doctors would work on these patients for free?" I instantly thought of Doctors Without Borders, a non-profit organization that provides medical assistance to people of developing nations. To question if anyone would actually want to dedicate their time to those who need it most within their community seems like a no-brainer to me. My only concern with the trained professionals and volunteers is the availability of a user's primary chat room listener. If someone is having a depressive episode or crisis at a time not convenient for the professional, who would attend to that person in need? I'm sure had I asked this question during class, it would've received an excellent answer like the other questions I asked.

 Another target for criticism was the Events aspect of the site. This was a feature that really distinguished Lift Yourself from the many other services already being offered. Essentially, there would be various in real life facilities that people can visit to feel a part of a community while trying to overcome the symptoms that affect them every day. At these facilities, they can visit trained counselors or attend fun activities that can help them take a healthy step towards recovery. Many people commented that these options play off of a depression misconception that was addressed at the beginning of the presentation. I completely disagree with that implication. I believe that type of thinking is reductive in the way that it assumes an individual trying to reach a point in their life where their depression is at bay and easier to control would not jump at the chance to start feeling more like themselves again. To say that you can't imagine a person who is struggling within themself to make strides towards feeling and living in a way they actually want to isn't logically to me. Lift Yourself offers opportunities that many won't get a chance to experience because of things like poverty and proximity. If it were an actual service available to the general public, it would make an exponential difference in the lives of millions of depression and anxiety sufferers.

CHAT Is Innovative

    The app Colleges Highlighting Assault Today is a brilliant attempt at trying to curb the effects of rape culture, especially on college and university campuses. The project started with the definition of rape and an audio-visual breakdown on what exactly consent is, as well as a video that spoke about the sexual pressure that affects people within our age group. The app features a personal diary that a victim could write entries into that would be monitored by the university's counselor. The application had personal videos that encouraged the people to search within themselves for their strength to overcome the atrocity that has happened to them. A really stand out component of CHAT is its Donations page. Unlike the one for WASP, the project I worked on, this button takes users to the a place where they can donate to other charities that would assist in the fight against rape culture. The distinguishing concepts that made CHAT unique are also the Google Maps section and the Talks section. With the Google Maps segment, it tells people about the physical services available nearby the school in which the victim attends. The Talks sector of CHAT allows users to view the services provided at other universities. That way in case a victim feels the need to transfer, they can know how sex crimes at their prospective college will be reported and things like safety.

    There were a lot of questions and comments that were brought up after the presentation. One was why is rape not considered a crime. Someone even went so far as to imply apps like this and WASP make things harder for victims because they add more stigma to the people who are hurt. I wholly disagree with that belief. I would assume, ideally anyway, that people would report their assaults and then use the services provided by CHAT. Apps like CHAT work to help victims feel more comfortable after something traumatic has happened to them. So the connections they make with their counselors and the people their counselors refer them to speak with can provide a sense of strength and courage that could possibly even lead to more reporting of sexual violence on campus. In my opinion, there is no added stigma. It is added strength. In a world where victims are routinely blamed for the tragedies done to them, I believe a counter to this mode of thinking is absolutely necessary. Colleges and universities face disproportionate amounts of sexual assaults because of the primary systematic culture ingrained into society. Combating that culture head on may be difficult and imperfect, but still extremely paramount.

FinU, Get Your Money Right Or I'll Fine You

Finance University, or FinU, was a very good idea for a solution to us college students not being able to budget our money. Many of us have no idea what we are doing as far as budgeting or anything of that nature, and this app does a fantastic job of helping us figure out how to maximize our money. It also helps that the app has advisors that can help you if you are having trouble and you need someone to talk to. People that are more visual learners also have access to spreadsheets to help them budget so they know exactly where their money is going and what they need to do differently to get the most bang for their buck. I do think that it is a problem that college students do not know how to budget their money or keep their finances in check, but it is not entirely their fault since they have to buy books, food, necessities for their dorms, not to mention recreational things too. Most college students do not have a job to help them pay for these things so once they run out of money they have nowhere to get any from except their parents. They are also not as educated on the matter as they should be going into college. Sure they take a basic Economics course and maybe a Finance one too, but they teach more about the concept of Econ and Finance and not necessarily how they impact people on an individual level. If people were more educated on the do's and don't's of money at a younger age, they would be much better off and this app would not be as important as it is now. But since it is a very important app, I think it does a great job of teaching college students how to budget, how to get help to budget, and how to make sure they get the most of the money they do have. Another cool thing is that it is also very helpful for people who have jobs while in college and who decide to go back to college after a few years of not going to school at all. I also thought the rap in their presentation was outstanding so shout out to Darious for killing it on that one. If this app was`real and available for me to download, I definitely would download it and use it pretty often to make sure that I am on the right track as far as money goes.

Review of BioCan

I think the whole idea of BioCan is amazing. It both deals with a problem regarding the whole world but also on a household level. I think that this actually could be a thing in the future. The whole idea of this trash can is great, because it deals with a problem that I didn't think was a problem that was able to be solved now. I believe that the problems discussed in the beginning of the presentation were very important because if we don't deal with it now, it might be too late if we wait.

The technology part of the project is very interesting. At first, I had a lot of questions about it, but one-by-one they got answered. From, how the bacteria was killed, to what would happen if the bacteria would spill. The only question I didn't get answered was what about the oxygen in the products that the bacteria would break down. I know that you said that the bacteria would die if they were in contact with oxygen, so I'm just wondering how that's possible. But I know that this is not a finished product, and that it only has to be merely possible. But if I'm wrong and that the bacteria won't be bothered with this, then I dont see any technological problems at all.

Another thing to think about is the fact that people will have to be on board with the whole idea because of the cost. I think that the cost could be an issue if people don't agree and care about the problems discussed in this presentation.

The presentation was really good, and very well prepared. The powerpoint was neat and easy to read.
All in all, I think this product is awesome, and I can't wait to see you guys on "Shark Tank".

Friday, April 29, 2016

Boycott Connect and Why It Matters

   The Boycott Connect website is an amazing idea. It is a great way to open the eye of the public to the injustices that are perpetrated by big brand companies.  I appreciate how this project pointed out that the only people who could stop these business are their consumers. The consumers have the most power in the decisions of companies. This is an important lesson that needs to be promoted.   However, let's review the presentation itself first.
    The project had a great design. The powerpoint was very well organized and easy to follow. It did a great job detailing the problem the group was working to end. It broke down how you would report boycott suggestions to the website. The transition from the powerpoint to the actual website was coherent. The website was easy to navigate and I learned something from the links that were posted. The fact that child labor is still such a prominent business move is appalling. As a society, we say we don't approve but we act like we can't do anything to rectify the problem. The Boycott Connect serves as a portal for those who truly wish to make a difference. The idea of the app is truly commendable.
    Next, the presenters did a great job handling the questions and thinking on the fly. Dr. Johnson asks some pretty in-depth questions and they handled with finesse. There were points when they seemed to struggle but they finished strong. Also, the group seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about their topic and project. This project also makes me wonder if this the website was fully functioning, would it be the catalyst for a wave of change. It has the potential and it has a decent blueprint. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
    As a sidenote, I've enjoyed all the projects I've seen. Everyone seemed to work really hard. Personally, I think part of that is because everyone has pretty much enjoyed Dr. J and her class. It made us think. It made us at least peek out of the cave. That's been the case for me. Back to the projects, they've all been so original and inspired. I would have never thought of a moral calculator. That was such an out of the box idea. I also really liked the food dispenser and card idea. It was an interesting idea in the race to end homelessness and starvation. I would like applaud everyone once again.

Pollution and how BioCan Could Help

BioCan was presented as a new kind of trash can that could potentially help with pollution all around the world. No one can deny that pollution is a huge problem. Everyday, thousands of tons of trash are put into landfills, while other tons of trash end in our bodies of water such as streams and wetlands. Many humans do not realize the huge environmental impacts from throwing away so much trash, so little to nothing is done. Things such as recycling, as stated by this group, can help the problem with pollution, but there is only a small amount of people that actually recycle in their homes and businesses. Since our society is the one that continuously produces this problem, I believe it should be our society's responsibility to come up with a solution to pollution. Because of its importance, I believe that the attention brought to pollution and a possible solution was very significant.

BioCan is basically a trash can that can solve the problem of pollution in homes and restaurants, and it could aid in the effort of throwing away so much trash in landfills. It uses "electrogenic and toxic-waste eating [bacteria]" as a way to dispose of trash. This group was able to explain a BioCan cycle by saying that the process would start by only putting trash that could be decomposed on the trash can. After beginning the cycle, bacteria would be sprayed. This bacteria is able to eat trash and produce electricity as it decomposed. After finishing the cycle, the last step would be to spray a "cleaning solution." The electricity made by the bacteria would not only help in giving BioCan power, but also would be used to give appliances in a home power. Ultimately, this means that BioCan is a clean energy source.

My first reactions to this idea was the fear of a breach and the question of what would happen to the bacteria after they would finish eating the trash. Luckily, both questions were answered on the FAQ part of their website. It was stated that a containment breach would not happen because the bacteria were made to only survive on the "enclosed system" provided by the BioCan. In other words, this meant that if the bacteria would leave the container, it would die immediately. My second question was answered when the group further explained the "cleaning solution" used in the end of a typical BioCan cycle. After the bacteria finished eating and decomposing trash, a solution would be sprayed to not only clean the container, but also to kill the bacteria.

Overall, I was intrigued by this idea. I was further surprised by the fact that this type of technology already exists, making BioCan something that could one day aid in our society's problem with pollution.

Vote USA

Vote USA is a great solution to the many problems that come with the voting process. The current voting method is becoming more and more outdated. Not many people can fit the tiring process of going to specified voting places and take time out of their schedules to vote. If voting were to become more accessible on the go, then the lowering voting numbers each term would significantly increase. Technology is only getting more advanced and people are forced to stay up to speed with advancements. Creating a more mobile way of submitting your vote when it counts is a reasonable solution to the current difficulties with voting. That's where Vote USA comes in. After being presented to the app in class, I really liked the idea. The group really took the time to present every aspect of the app, even down to the potential finances and time to build it. They took every age group into account is creating the app, and even did interviews with people that could give credible information. The simple outline of the app is almost exactly like how the machines are in the polling places, and the app is treated like making a credit card purchase online. The group made a good point when it came to the security of the app when submitting votes. I agree when they said that if you can trust your credit card information to something you have never seen in person then it shouldn't be so hard with the voting app. I believe this app would specifically be eye candy for new voters (18-24 age group) because of how this generation is so technology dependent. College students, in particular, have a hard time voting for many reasons, one being transportation and another not really familiarizing themselves with the voting process period. Vote USA offers many ways to connect the population to politics more efficiently. Over the years, politics has become something sort of negative, and people are losing interest in government matters. Creating an app that not only makes voting easier but keeps people up to date on what's happening in the country political wise, I think will create a better unity in the country. I would definitely make use of the app if it were to actually happen, which I think it will sooner than most think. Being a new voter myself, I definitely think that the voting process should be easier than it is now, and what a better than way than creating a cheaper app.

Making Exercise Worth It

     Technological distractions exist everywhere. TV's, smartphones, radios, computers, etc. This have advanced our lives tremendously, but they have also inhibited it. What is the main thing children do when they get home? Do they go outside to play or do they sit down and watch TV or play a video game for hours? When I was a child, I was always outside. There was not much else to do besides reading, board games, puzzles, and maybe few cartoons I liked. Now, if one goes out in public, you are bound to see children as young as 2 years old with their eyes glued to a screen playing on app after app. Why run around outside and get a sweaty body when you can run around in your game and receive prizes? Children spend an average of 7 and a half hours a day in front of a screen. Due to the increase in technological advances, kids have increased in size. More than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese in 2012.
     Some parents combat this by making their kids eat a healthy diet. If the kid is already eating a healthy diet but is still not losing weight, the parents may try taking away all electronic devices and taking their kid to fun places to play. One has to ask themselves, what about those working parents that don't have the time to take away the devices and keep them away from their child? That's where the JOGO band and app/website comes in. How it works is the JOGO app is parent controlled and shuts down the apps on the child's phone, except for calling and texting making it as useful as a flip phone. The app runs on a point system. The only way to gain points is for the child to exercise and play a heart rate raising activity. For example, running, climbing on a jungle gym, swimming, etc. If it raises their heart rate, it's exercise. The amount of points needed for the child to earn daily is designated by a doctor so the parents can't over work or under work their child. Once the child reaches the goal set for them, they receive a password to open their phone so they can access their other apps as well as the internet. If the child needs to access the internet but is unable to reach the points for that day, there is a master password that the parents can give to the child. The points reset daily.
     A problem with the JOGO band is that it will be as if the words "fat" were branded onto the child's wrist. Growing up, there was nothing I feared more than bullies. in my school, and I just happened to be an easy target due to my lack of fashion knowledge. I cannot imagine the pain of being an overweight child. So a good way to avoid singling out the children who need the JOGO band the most would be if the school system required all children who attend classes there to wear them. That way, the kids can't tell who is "fat" and who is not by the JOGO band.

Solving The Problem of Depression

Depression is serious and is a topic that is very sensitive for some. Many people also undergo a form of depression during their lifetime. There are many forms of treatment for the variety of symptoms that individuals may have. There are professionals that treat patients with depression, there are also a plethora of websites and hotlines that aid people with depression and even suicidal thoughts. The Lift Yourself website and app is another form of assistance to those who experience such emotions. It was said that one thing that sets this not-for-profit business apart is its professional assistance and their facilities. I think it is great that they are bringing awareness to depression, but there is a lot of potential to enhance this app. The innovators of this project explained that there will be professional and licensed individual assisting patients, moderating 24/7 chat rooms, and providing their services at the events that take place. Although those services are beneficial, I do not think there are many professional adults with doctorate degrees who will basically work full time jobs for little to no cost. The business is not-for-profit and relies heavily on donations and volunteers. People with doctorate degrees make a large sum of money annually and I don’t believe that donations will be able to adequately compensate employees, maintain facilities, and continuously meet the demands of the business. Although I don’t have a solution to this problem, there can definitely be actions taken to ensure that the employees are well compensated. The fact that this business offers a facility to its members/patients is pretty cool. It would be nice if it was homey and had an open atmosphere. This would potentially draw members in while gaining their trust to come to future events. All in all, I think it is great that this group is targeting depression. I just think there services could be enhanced and reconsidered. It is awesome that they presented us with the startling facts that many of us did not know. This allowed us to have the right frame of mind when thinking of depression. With a little tweaking here and there, this business could definitely be beneficial.

W.A.S.P. Review

The presentation about rape victims in my class really stood out to me. Coming from the culture and environment that I was raised in, the topic of rape is always a relevant, important conversation. I have never believed in the whole 'it was the victim's fault' concept because I don't think anyone would ever want to be sexually assaulted intentionally. I have always known how serious of a problem rape is, but after looking at the statistics that W.A.S.P. provided it is a critical moral problem. Many victims of sexual assault, whether its women, men, or children, don't always recover to their full potential after traumatizing experience. The introduction of W.A.S.P. is a great way to link victims with other victims. The chat rooms provided connect people that have been sexually assaulted that can relate to each other, and offers many different ways to help people. The website provides a safe haven for victims that they wouldn't probably wouldn't feel is provided to them already. With the resources that are provided like the chat rooms and talking to counselors, the process of recovery is more feasible.

I also liked how the group made it more that aware that women are not the only group people vulnerable to being raped. Men and children are also subjected to being sexually assaulted. I agree that it is important to make that fact more known for people who feel as though, especially men aren't able to claim rape. While I thought that the group having alternative websites for specifically men and children that have been assaulted, I feel as though if the group had chosen one of the lesser noticed groups then it would've been more impactful. Women are the most reported group of rape and sexual assault, but they already have many options available to them. Making more resources for men, for example, to have a platform so that they know that rape happens to them too and that they aren't less of man solves a more underserved moral problem.

The solution to the problem they presented was a suitable solution in the end. Rape is never an easy topic, and everyone has different views of it. W.A.S.P. is something that I could definitely see being an effective source if it were to actually come about.  The presentation would have been more complex yet interesting had it been angled towards a different group of people that are subjected to rape.


The VoteUSA application is a brilliant idea. At the route technology going, this app has the potential to be the future. I definitely agree with many of the issues that were presented as a result of people not voting. Some individuals are unaware of the process, do not want to stand in long lines, too busy, or etc. For this reason, we must learn to use the technology that we have with us everyday-- our smart phones. We will be able to vote virtually vote anywhere with this application, as long as we are connected to wifi. Wifi and storage space are the only issues that foresee with this app. Do I have to be connected to wifi in order to actively participate in the voting process, and how much data and space would be affected by me downloading this app. Will I delete and redownload it as the voting seasons come about.

 To answer my own rebuttal, I think that the app should use little to no data when it is not being used. Perhaps the app does work on wifi connection, but I believe that unlimited data will become more accessible to smartphone users within the next 20 years. Many people will have unlimited space and storage for a lot less than what we pay for today. Overall, I love the concept of this app. It is convenient and efficient. I’m not sure about how the government would maintain and keep up with it, but they will definitely find a way.

 P.S. In class there was a comment made about the abolishment of the electoral college. It seemed that many people in the class disagreed with get rid of the electoral college. I believe that the electoral college should be more representative of the people’s views. Of course this is what it aims to do; however, I strongly disagree that those politicians always have our best interest in mind. I don’t think that the electoral college should be totally disbanded, but I do think the entire system needs to be thoroughly revamped to accommodate the voice of the country. So many politicians are after personal gain, money, or just relentlessly advocate their own political beliefs. This causes gridlock, confusion, and corruption. That is why many people do not trust the government, as well as the electoral college.

Course Connected

     Course Connect is a very interesting idea. The concept of an app that would allow you to track class attendance and grades at anytime is amazing. While playing with the app in class I was very impressed. It wasn't buggy and transitioned smoothly. The app seemed very well planned out. I also liked the fact the presentation was in-depth and even came with topics the group anticipated would be addressed. You could tell there was a lot of effort put into this project. The app would definitely help me. My CBU email is malfunctioning at this moment. If I had this app, my life would be so much easier.
      Regarding the funding, I firmly believe if you were to pitch this to CBU they would definitely fund it. Not only would the app have a chance of increasing academic success. It would reflect well on the school. CBU would be seen as a school that works to make sure its students succeed. It is also a smart investment. Any way they can increase the finishing rate is good for the school. If this app can cut the number of academic withdrawals, it serves that purpose. CBU has no reason not to fund it.
     Also, the discipline aspect that comes with the app is respectable. The only way to succeed in college is to have some level of discipline. Now, I like the fact that the app reminds and notifies you about cancelled classes and due dates. Still, its on you to do them. I think this app is a good reminder of that in itself. The app can't make you do the work. I'm also glad you guys addressed this in the presentation. It goes with that sense of preparedness I mentioned earlier.
     I really like how you guys were able to implement the suggestions you received during the Question and Answer into your design. It showed confidence in the project. You guys also did well with presenting. It was clear and engaging. The powerpoint kept my attention. The personal anecdotes made the app more appealing because the account was relatable. Everyone in the group seemed to be knowledgeable about the project. You even seemed to impress Dr. Johnson. The app is a really great idea. I think it is really worth pursuing. This is one of those things that deserves attention. In conclusion, I really enjoyed the presentation and was impressed at the idea of the app.

W.A.S.P. -Heather Clevenger

I was very intriguing by the idea of W.A.S.P., or Women Against Sexual Predators, by creaters Ryan Mabry, Jasmine Guy, Jennifer Adair, Maya Donald, and Nadia Powell. W.A.S.P. is a website that is for rape victims to communicate with one another in a safe space. W.A.S.P. is for men, women and children a like and there are even different pages just for them.
Since black, white, old, young, straight, LGBT a like can be raped, W.A.S.P. haso created a page for all. While it is statistically that women get raped more than children that does not mean that they don't get raped.
W.A.S.P. wants to combat rape culture and the stigmas that come along with being raped and or raping in the American culture and teach people, not just men, that it is never OK to rape rather than only teaching women how to prevent their own rape.
On to the technology that WASP has created. WASP created a website that has five main pages with four off pages that are all easily accessible. They have a Home page, a Mission page, which hashould a drop down to their Contact page, a Prevention page, a Statistics page, and a Community page that has a drop down to their Donate page, Chat Rooms page, and finally More Programs page. Their More Programs page has links to their other two websites, Drone'so Dome, and W.A.S.P.'s Kids Korner, which are their websites for men and children who have been sexually abused. The children's website is for parents of children who have or the parents suspect have been sexually abused. it gives information with their pages, Welcome, Knowing When Something is Wrong, Parents Part and Learn Together.
Their rape prevention page has a few guidelines that everyone should follow.
be aware of your surroundings
be safe going out alone and/or while consuming alcohol.
watch your friends
make sure your intentions are clear.
speak up for yourself and for your friends
keep "backup" handy.
no means no
if a person is unable to give consent it's considered rape.

they also have chat rooms where people who have been raped can go and communicate with others who may or may not have similar experiences. it's a great way to get things off ones chest with people who understand what they have gone through.

Pa$$ The Buc

Link to Presentation:

Voting Made Easy

     I am all for using the app Vote USA. There are many reasons why it can be a positive investment for our country. Millions of people miss out on the opportunity and privilege to vote every election due to various legitimate reasons or lame excuses. For example, I was unable to vote back in the Primaries back in February due to lack of transportation and time. If this app had been available, I would have been able to cast my vote from the comfort and safety of my room for the politician of my choice and get them one step closer to the main election that will be happening this November. Since this was not available, I was stuck in my dorm room without my voice being heard. I cannot be the only person who had an issue that prevented them from getting to the polls. In fact, there were millions of people who were registered but did not vote. Think about that, millions of unheard voices. Some may have chosen not to speak, but the rest were prevented from having the right to vote just because they could not get to the polling booths. The 2012 election could have been changed drastically if those millions of registered voters had been able to get to the polls. This is why I strongly approve and support the potential production of the app Vote USA.
     There is going to be opposition for this app due to security reasons, but, just as the presenters said in my class, we already take that risk everyday by making online purchases without credit cards. Since this app would determine the fate of our country, I believe the government would be very involved with its security measures. It would be a huge embarrassment to the US Government if they were to be hacked. Another reason people would be opposed to this investment would be because of their distrust in technology. There are thousands, probably millions, of people that refuse to use any of the new technology-for example Smartphones, laptops, internet, etc.-because it is not what they grew up with and/or it is "witchcraft" to them. A possible way to solve this predicament is to make the app mandatory after a few elections so people may get a feel for the app. The presenters suggested 20 years after the app's first introduction. By that time, most, if not all, of the older generations who are unable to adapt will be deceased. I personally believe it should be between two to four presidential elections. By then, everyone will know about it and probably will be using it. If we can achieve that, we can dispose of the unreliable, cumbersome polling machines as well as save money by not having to hire people to upkeep, man, and transport those obnoxious machines.
     I support Vote USA. Do you?

JOGO Group project (Childhood Obesity)

Copy and paste the following link into your browser to see our slideshow.

The end

This week one of the projects was about voting. I am completely for the technological progression of voting. The easier it is to vote the better off the entire country will be. That is, if people actually take advantage and vote. Earlier this week there was a group of people walking around campus asking if people were registered to vote. They had a form and would register you there and then if you were not already. That was very helpful because people did not have to go out of their way to register. There should be a bigger movement that is similar or just not requiring a registration process. Also, the security of a technological advancement should be highly monitored. I have watched House of Cards and the level of corruption on that show has to translate to some level on real government issues. So, that is scary. Overall, the voting process should be simplified and more people would participate. The app that was created was not extremely thought through but it was heading in the right direction.

The second project was the one dealing with depression. That project was extensive in the amount of features and services. However, I do not think it would be possible. Also, the effectiveness off the solution would not be very productive. In my opinion, the change needs to happen in the education people receive regarding the issue of depression. If the stigma on the illness was lessened it would become less taboo and people would feel more comfortable and less alienated from the part of the population that did not suffer from. Now, I do not believe it would be completely eliminated because it is due to chemistry in the brain. However, it would be easier to address. This problem kind of runs parallel with rape. The information about it should change and the process of dealing with it as well. 

Overall, the ideas were good. It is interesting to see how dominant these issues are and that peers address them each in their own way. I really enjoyed hearing different ideas and different takes on possible solutions for problems that need to be solved. 

College Students Need Each Other

    Concept Review- Pass the Buc is a brilliant idea that a group presented during my class. Basically they created an app where college students can make  basically barter trades and communicate for study groups. It is great because while in college money is constantly being spent on tuition, boarding fees, books, food etc. It seems like the government thinks student are rich and  that money grows from trees(lets not get technical here). This technology will help save a few extra dollars by making trades of books that you might need for class etc.

The App Overview- Pass the Buc app was very easy to navigate. It had a shortcut to get to their main things like trade and setting up study groups. Also, I thought it was very helpful for them to have a comment part if users had any concern. I thought it was great that they will use the students school mascot for their profile picture. That is a great way to protect students identity and from any predators that may lurk onto the app. Also the GPS is a great feature of the app.Its a great way to narrow interaction down to where students won't schedule a meet up to trade ,or study all the way on the other side of the country.

Improvements-I honestly don't feel like there are any major improvement they need to make. I feel like an app like this will come out very soon.  Its very possible and a great way to help out college students.

C.H.A.T. Group Project (updated)

This link should work for the project now.

Stay Connected

On Friday, there was a group presentation on what I believe to be a very under-addressed issue facing college students, especially those who attend Christian Brothers University, being tracking one’s grades, attendance, and classes. I personally have walked all the way to a class only to find a note on the door saying that this class was cancelled without even receiving so much as an email. This is incredibly irritating and a waste of time. Also, during the semester, many teachers do not take the time to record and post all the grades one receives in a class, making it difficult for students to keep tabs on where they stand in certain classes, including the number of classes one has missed. There is definitely a need for an application that can provide a solution to all of these issues that arise every school year.
               I personally fully support the suggested application Course Connect that was presented on Friday. I would download and use this application and I know many other students who would without a doubt download and use it as well. With the cooperation of the Christian Brothers University administration and faculty, I feel this application could be brought to life and used by the majority of the students who attend here. The costs of creating and running this application would without a doubt be infinitesimal compared to the impact if could potentially have on the fluidity of the academic environment of this university.
               On a side note, I think some professors could put more effort into posting grades as well as class cancellations. I have no problem with professors cancelling class, I would just appreciate some forewarning. However, I do understand that there are emergencies that come up last minute. It would be exponentially useful for many professors to post grades on a regular basis as well. This will help prevent email floods around midterms and finals, as well as cut down on lengthy office visit, giving more time to both students and professors.

               Overall, I’m very into this idea. I think if we conceptualize this application in the near future for Christian Brothers University it will be put to use immediately by many students in need of a little bit of organization in their academic lives. I can personally say I would be one of the first ones to download and use this application. I hope to see this idea put to good use. 

Uplifting Depression

I'm going to be giving an analysis of the Lifting organization and its effectiveness in helping people with depression. I believe that depression is a problem in our country and that something should be done to help, but I don't think that the Lifting website would help the problem. I am not against the suicide hotline aspect of it, but I don't think that internet chat rooms are a very safe environment for this type of problem. There would have to be a very small number of people in each chat room for you to be able to converse about your problems. I also don't think that the conversations would go very smoothly. It would be difficult for someone to moderate these chats and try to help each person in the chat. The idea of the Lifting facility is smart and is probably the most beneficial part of the organization. The world could use a non-profit facility that offers semi-profession/professional help for depression at a YMCA price. I think it would be smart to hold certain events and maybe group therapy at the facility, but the focus should never be on holding events. I am no stranger to group therapy/AA environments and they usually aren't very stable and contain a wide variety of people. As fun as it would be to have a karaoke night at the methadone clinic, I don't think that it would be very productive in helping anybody. I don't think it would be smart to meet anywhere but the lifting facility or a controlled environment with a professional present. While it is good to get outside, the website has a chat room for depressed youth that someone of any age could get into and start scheduling meet-ups to "talk about their problems". The chat room seems a little too easy for internet predators to communicate with and maybe even meet up with teenagers that are already feeling unsure if life is worth it. I think that depression is a big problem and something needs to be done about it, but like addiction and other mental illnesses, it's not an easy thing to get over and it will require professional 1 on 1 help and self-rehabilitation and medication to fix. The Lifting organization seems to do little help on its own and if it requires a third party source of professional help then it's like they're putting a band-aid on the stitches that we got from a real doctor. I'm sure that the band-aid might keep it clean and help on a minor scale, but you can just put band-aids on yourself.  

The Homeless Need Heat Too!

At some point, we all forget that homeless people are real people too. There are homeless people that have lost their way and do not know how to communicate with people that they just need a place to get them off the streets. They instead beg for money, food, or anything they think is worth having and when they do it in an aggressive way, we tend to feel unsafe and become unwilling to help those kinds of people. I am honestly guilty of this simply because I get begged all the time while I am in Memphis and for the most part the begging is aggressive. I do not have much to offer myself; however, it is important to realize that all homeless people do not deserve bad treatment just because they are homeless. Homelessness is an ongoing problem that needs to be addressed because there are more homeless people than there are shelters and this presents an even bigger problem because homeless people could die from being in all the weather elements. Hotspot for the Homeless (#H4H) is a great way to help homeless people because it gives them somewhere to go when they have nowhere else to go, especially when it is cold. Every winter when I walk into the house and my heat is on, I thank God that I have the opportunity to have a warm place to go. Homeless people deserve to feel the same way, and the Hotspot is a great product to do just that. You never know what the weather might do at night, so it is important for anyone to stay cool and dry so they can maintain their overall health. Of course the Hotspot will have to have some regulations in place, but I think once people put themselves in a homeless person’s shoes, they will be more understanding of why this product should be placed somewhere in the city. Not to mention, if homeless people congregated here instead of outside of a gas station or on the street, we would not feel so threatened by them because the Hotspot would be their go to location when it is cold at night or the elements of the weather are too harsh. It is just as important for homeless people to be warm and safe as it is for us to be warm and safe. Hotspot for the Homeless is a great way of not only giving back to the community, but also giving life to those who may not be fortunate enough to sustain their own.

Safe While Alone: Safety is Priority

I thought that the “Safe While Alone” presentation was not only great to watch, but a great idea. Listening to their stories about why they felt that this invention was so important is what really made me feel like this would be a beneficial product. Most of us live in Memphis, and we all know that this city is not getting an award for its low crime rates; however, that does not mean we should not all feel safe where we live, no matter the location. I work the overnight shift at FedEx and live near University of Memphis campus, and there are random people walking around the neighborhood all night. I do not always feel safe just walking from the parking lot into my apartment or stopping at the store. When I get off work nine times out of ten, I am going to stop at the gas station for something to drink. Many guys have tried to talk to me, convince me to give them rides, or even beg for money. This situation was happening every single night and I got to a point where I started pretending to be on my phone and carrying pepper spray on my keys, and these things still don’t make me feel safe enough. My boyfriend stays with me; however, I do not call him every time I get off work. I feel like the safecessories would ultimately make me feel safer because I do not have to be obvious about being scared even when I really am. As a FedEx employee we really cannot wear jewelry; however, we can wear belts and watches. The watch would be the best option because nobody will suspect that you are contacting someone if you touch your watch. The safecessory would make me feel like I always have someone with me even if they are not physically there. I do not think the only time I should feel safe is when I have a man around. I like to be independent and I should be able to have my independence and not feel like something is going to happen to me every time I leave my home. I think this product will serve women well and deliver its mission of making them feel safe anywhere they go. Actually, this product will serve women and men very well because saying that men always feel safe would be very wrong. I think the safecessory is a great product, great design, (even though Dr. J said it looks like condoms), and it will make me feel like I can be alone without ever actually being alone.

Pass me a buc or 30,000

Broke college students rejoice! Pa$s The Buc makes saving money on things like books, tutors, and dorm supplies easy when higher education costs an arm and a leg. One of the biggest problems I think college students face is The Textbook Problem. Publishers release new editions of books that aren't very different (if different at all) from previous editions, and professors put the new edition as a required text for their class. Some textbooks have access codes for online content that can only be purchased with a new book, and professors may assign work on that online resource. Not buying books can cause students' grades to suffer, but purchasing books will cause students' wallets to suffer. Sometimes renting books or buying used books is too expensive as well as a gamble; the book could have undesirable writing and highlighting, or it might even have pages missing. Some students try to search for the best deals on textbooks online, but some websites are unreliable. 

Pa$s The Buc addresses the fact that textbook publishers basically rob college students by allowing students to buy, sell, and trade amongst themselves. The option to trade is my favorite feature of the app. Maybe you can't give someone money for a book you need, but you might be able to tutor them in exchange for the textbook. I like that the trading feature isn't limited to textbooks; students can put clothes, supplies, decor, and other things on the app to trade. However, students still have the option to buy and sell things for cash and can even chat to negotiate the price of goods. You can search for tutors by major and chat to set up tutoring sessions. I also like that you can buy/sell and trade with students from others schools, and your identity is protected since your chat icon is your school mascot.

I think Pa$s The Buc would give students more control over their college experiences. Being connected with other students by this app would put a number of resources in the palm of your hands–the most valuable resource being students themselves. I think an app like this would be utilized by students and even alumni who want to get rid of their old college apparel and dorm furniture. I know I would definitely use this app. Even with scholarships, grants, and loans (ugh, loans), college is still a pretty penny. Pa$s The Buc would take some of the stress off of students who are trying to get out of school with as much of their sanity and pocketbooks intact as possible.      

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Voting App!

I thought that the app for voting was such a great idea. I think that a lot of people don’t go out to vote because they don’t have time or they just don’t want to stand in the lines and wait. Having registration and the ability to vote right at the tip of your fingers would be such a great idea. The way that the app was presented to us in the PowerPoint was such an easy and accessible app to everyone. The simplicity of the app is probably the best and most effective way to get people to use the app. It was made to allow everyone to be able to understand how to manage and use the app. Also, the information that was gathered and presented to us was information that we really needed to know, especially as college students. It showed us that our vote really does count and that we could change the way our government and the way that things are ran. It allowed us to see that we could actually be the change that we want to see if we use our right to vote. That’s exactly why this app is great. Because most students don’t go to school in the same city, let alone state, that they are registered to vote, we could possibly see more young people voting by using the app. Young people use their phones for everything, so why not get an app to vote? The app would increase the number of young voters and it would open the doors for young people to express themselves in the way that they want to. The only thing that I would be afraid of is someone getting my personal information. Yes, there are ways to get personal information just by using the internet, but because this is such a huge outlet, I would be concerned of the safety. The best safety technique I would think is to make the app accessible with your thumb print just because your print is your own and nobody else in the world has your print. I do know that the thumb print would be hard to do because not everyone has the finger print setting on their phone, but there should be some type of setting that allows anyone to have a fingerprint setting. Other than that, I thought the idea of having a voting app is a wonderful idea.

I definitely think someone should really consider this idea and take it seriously, that way we can get our voting rates up!  

CBU Course Connect


App Prototype:

Created by: Yuliana, Tiffany, Annie, Charese, Camilla


When I was presented with this idea of boycotting certain companies, such as Hershey's and beauty products, I was thinking, "You have got to be kidding me..." But as the presentation went on, I decided to not be completely close-minded yet. The pitch is, this company called Boycott Connect is going to inform consumers of companies that use certain secret practices. These include child labor, pollution, and animal testing. While this seems like a good plan, I do a few concerns.

First, the popularity. Protesters do not have the greatest track record. With the law, they are seen as delinquents. With the media and, quite frankly, in reality, they are seen as downright annoying. People who look on a website that boycotts certain companies might see Boycott Connect as just another group of tree huggers and not give a second look. A suggestion of mine is to make the company and website unique. Give people a reason why they should boycott these companies, because it's going to take a heap of persuasion to give up something you love to partake in. For example, I LOVE the Ringling Bros. So, sometime last year, I decided to go to to the circus. As I pulled up to the Lander's Center, there were protesters telling me that the circus abuses the elephants and whatnot. I'm just in the car like, "Can we not?" Now, I believe in standing up to what you believe in, but being all in someone's face about it is highly annoying, and I personally think it is disrespectful to do it where the event is being held. This goes on to my next point. 

Second, KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES. Why do protesters decide to protest at the actual places? Like at the circus, abortion clinics, THE CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUM?? I was literally walking outside of the civil rights museum and this woman had a whole table set up saying obscenities about Martin Luther King Jr. Do protesters know how weird that is? I sometimes wonder how many minds they change because they usually protest everyday. Hopefully, this company won't send people to the makeup department of the mall and have them throw up signs of bunnies wearing lipstick. Let's be honest, protesters like that makes things awkward and uncomfortable. But I digress.
Overall, Boycott Connect seems like a very effective plan. As long as they don't become your average boy cotters, they should do fine.

Walkin' in Memphis: Hotspot for the Homeless

Hotspot for the Homeless is a great idea, and I felt it applied to the Memphis area. It's a common occurrence in midtown and downtown to see someone holding a sign or pushing a grocery cart full of their belongings. It's so common that I think most Memphians have become desensitized to seeing someone struggling to find their next meal or somewhere warm to sleep. That's one reason why I think an idea like Hotspot is so important. Not only does it serve the homeless, but it also puts a spotlight on the issue of homelessness.

I am thankful because I don't have to worry about surviving, but the homeless population does. Hotspots can help relieve some of that pressure. I absolutely hate being cold, so I can't imagine how it feels to have no escape from the chill of winter. Although there are homeless shelters, there will never be enough beds or money to take in all homeless people. Hotspots solve that problem; they're less expensive than building a shelter, and there's no need for a staff to run it. I also think the solar panels and the clean energy they provide are another bonus of this invention. Hotspots' are cost-efficient, which would make cities more likely to invest in them. I also appreciated the fact that Hotspots encourage people to get more involved in policy making. For Hotspots to be installed, laws about sitting or lying down in public would have to change in many cities. People would have to come together and petition for the changes. 

A possible problem with Hotspots that was brought up in class was safety. I don't think this would be as much of a problem as people would expect. It might be wrong, but police tend to gravitate towards areas where homeless people are known to camp out or panhandle. I think Hotspots would generate enough police attention that they'd be safe enough. Someone also mentioned that in order for the heat to be felt fifty feet away from the Hotspot, the Hotspot itself would be extremely hot. I think tweaking the design by adding fans to disperse the heat would remedy this problem. 

Some people mistake homelessness for laziness or think that someone is homeless because of their life choices. But this is untrue and unfair. Sometimes, life happens when you least expect it. One day you have a house and enough food for you're entire family; the next, you don't. I love that this group pushed back against stereotypes and addressed homelessness with compassion and respect. So, here's to you guys...

Telephone Polls

I believe that it is very important that we focus our attention as a country towards getting more people to vote. The idea of Vote USA does a pretty good job at solving this issue in America. I personally use my phone for most things these days, as does most of my generation. Cellphones are just so convenient for getting things done fast. I agree that voting is something that needs to be done cautiously to avoid fake votes and phones don't seem like a very secure medium for voting. This being said, I have downloaded a PayPal and FirstTennessee app on my phone that have my bank account information on them as well as other personal information. We have evolved consistently with our technology and phones now contain a lot of information that people would like to have secure. Voting through the phone is definitely a great way to get more people voting, and there would definitely still be numerous cases of fake votes, but that happens with the system we currently use. It's definitely a possibility for our country, and Voting USA in particular would be possible because it fits in our budget and doesn't require any technology that is unavailable to us. Voting USA seems to be a well put together app that makes voting as simple as it should be. It is a step in the right direction for our country, especially the younger generations that aren't voting as much as they should. Something that wasn't really mentioned was that voting through our cell phones not only makes it easier for us to vote so more people will vote, but it also makes voting a less formal activity. A lot of the government, including the president and presidential candidates, has taken to twitter for communication. America is a democracy so it shouldn't be weird that we are on a closer level with politicians which helps to keep voices heard. Everybody's voice is heard is heard in a democracy, but Uncle Sam, like most old people, might need you to repeat yourself a few times for him to hear you. Let's bring in the new, hip Uncle Sam that rides a hoverboard with a built in vape and uses memes for propaganda and let's get rid of the old Uncle Sam that probably refers to any video game system as a Nintendo. Voting through the phone is the next step in making America a better democracy.

A Sense of Security

            The Safecessories is an innovated tool of preventing physical assaults by silently alerting or calling for help.  It is difficult to call for help when you are confronted by an attacker or an criminal since you cannot just pull out your cell phone and call 911. Normally the attacker will try to prevent the victim to pull out his or her phone and then proceed the assault. When attacker is done, the victim would call the police, but the attacker would already be gone at the time when the police shows up. This sort of thing happens frequently in Memphis. The attackers would not be caught because they have enough time to run away due to the slow response of the victim when she or he notifies the police. The problem is the essence of time. Attackers will always try to stop the victim from reaching his or her phone, but the Safecessories could be a solution for it.
            Having a beacon transmitter that notifies the police can be handy for any serious confrontations from an attacker. The Safecessories is disguised as regular accessories so the attacker would not be suspicious. The victim will be able to notify the police discreetly, which give the police officers extra time to arrive at scene as quickly as possible without the attacker knowing. This may increase the rate of actually capturing the attackers before they get away. What is unique about the Safecessories is that anyone can be wearing one, so attackers have to think twice of choosing a victim or not commit the attack at all. This can help make people feel a lot safer knowing they have some sort of protection. The device could be handy of tracking down a missing person or someone who was kidnapped. Your love ones would not have to worry about much of not knowing where you are located. This could be viewed as a downside as a privacy issue, but not in a bigger way. The fingerprint button is a nice add-on of a secure activation for the wearer, but if your hands are prevented for reaching the Safecessories then it is useless.

             It is a nice product to have if you decided to go out by yourself. However, criminals are sometimes are bold no matter what and will try to attack while knowing the risks. They will find other possible ways to go around Safecessories, but for the device is still good for tracking people who are lost as long if they are cellular range. Giving your personal information and having to pay a monthly fee maybe worth the price for this protection. Still, having someone with you or with more people is preferable in my opinion. 

Vote USA Evaluation

Vote USA is an app designed to help increase the voting rate across the nation. The presentation first brings to light the issue of the previous election of 2012. There were a huge percentage of eligible citizens, but the amount that actually participated in the election was surprisingly low. The group provided a lot of statistics to the Power Point to show the effects of this issue. I was unaware of how many people that did not cast their vote during the 2012 election, and that the population of young voters that did show up was a determining factor in the winning candidate. I enjoyed how one of the group members interviewed a person that actually worked at the voting booths. This interview gave the audience a primary source into the issue. The video that was attached within the presentation was very informative and the speaker was very animated. There is such a big importance on a person’s vote, and many excuses can be made to try and get around voting. The group members discuss how voting can do a lot for the people and the changes desired to be made can be accomplished. They also had another group member interview an IT guy, to show the process of the app, and how it works just like a credit card. After the statistics had been stated, the group moved their focus to the technological aspect of their idea. Vote USA is an app that can downloaded on any mobile device and allow for someone to vote. This helps eliminate the excuses and struggles of going out of our way just to make it to the voting booths. The app is very simple and seems easy enough for anyone to use. The group did not just stop there; they also addressed the problems that can come from this app. The issue with security and technology is always a big and important topic to consider. The presentation backed up their idea with a breakdown of current machines being used and compared it to theirs. I really liked the idea, and I think that it can make a big impact on the issue of voters not getting their voices properly heard by the government. I can see this app becoming something that can replace the present ways of voting, and I do not see any huge problems within the idea. The group did a great group addressing the problem and they created an amazing solution.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Safe While Alone

No one should have to feel afraid and vulnerable just because they are alone. The idea of having a device that can connect you with the outside world in an instant is very comforting. Whether walking home alone, in a place you've never been, or just around someone you do not feel comfortable with. Having an easily accessible tool that will let those you feel will look out for you know something is wrong is monumental.
         The types of products that they have are wonderfully inconspicuous. A key chain, bracelet, belt buckle, necklace, and watch are things nearly everyone has. These fit into all types of  wardrobes no matter where someone is going. However, I think that its distinctive design will also be a deterrent for attackers. If an attacker knows what a safe accessory is they will be more likely to think over their actions, and less likely to go through with the crime. Also if someone doesn't actually have a safe accessory, or can't afford one, they can still threaten that that they do which is an added benefit of actually implementing a device like this. This should be something that is highly advertised for multiple reasons. Safe accessories deter potential predators, create a safer place for the vulnerable, and most importantly I think it will have a profound effect on how society looks at sexual assault. Having a real palpable invention like this will spur people to talk about and see sexual assault differently. The way America usually views sexual assault is that its the victims fault through some idiotic way or another, but this shines a light on what the attacker is doing wrong.
      I feel as though this device would be improved by being given in mass to people who are more likely to be assaulted, such as females on college campuses. They would have the choice to actually set up an account or not, but letting them have it on their person would definitely ease a female college student's mind who has heard the sexual assault statistics about college campuses.
      The tracking capabilities of this device are one of its most valuable components. This is because it can be used in multiple ways. If there is someone you know who likes to go camping alone or a child who may have mental difficulties and wonder off, this would help to find these people who are at a greater risk of getting into trouble. If this was real and I was a parent I would definitely be getting one for my children.


               In this day and age, convenience and profit seem to far outweigh any moral standards that used to be held in this country. In order to counter the downturn of morality in this nation, one must be wary of which businesses they support. This is where Boycott Connect can be extremely useful. I very much like this idea of having the ability to uncover the corrupt practices of businesses at one’s fingertips. The first step to solving any problem is proper education. This app would give the general public the controversial information needed to keep them up to date on the practices of the businesses they encounter on a daily basis. This opens the door for people to pick and choose what companies they support, and also to spread the word to their communities in order to promote awareness.
               Honestly, it sickens me to know that so many popular companies partake in such terrible practices in order to make a bigger profit. Greed is a monstrous problem consuming this country. It seems as though we have traded in our morality for deeper pockets. In class, they gave examples of child labor in foreign countries being used for extremely large companies. I was astonished to know that this issue is not being address on a bigger scale. It appears that people want to turn a blind eye to injustice to others as long as it keeps products cheap and convenient, which is almost just as immoral as the practices these companies partake in. While one person boycotting a large company might not seem significant, change has to grow from somewhere. The same way social media applications seem to sprout from nowhere, movements like this have the potential to explode given the right circumstances.

               Overall, I fully support this idea and would love to see something like it come to light as a national movement. The morality of this country needs a massive overhaul, and issues like this are as good of a place to start as any. I can only hope people, including myself, can come to cast out convenience and replace it with a clean morality. While I know it will be difficult, I am a firm believer that anything can be accomplished through public education and motivation. Websites and applications such as these have the ability to make injustices like this unable to be ignored, placing them at any user’s fingertips.