
Monday, May 1, 2017

Welcome Home Review

Welcome Home was one of my favorite presentations, simply because it's an issue that we see and encounter everyday. We see homeless people on our way home, to work, or school everyday. Many of these people want to get help, want to be able to work, but many simply can't because they don't have a support system. Welcome Home gives them the opportunity to have a place where they can call home. I love the idea of them obtaining an address and helping them obtain a job. Welcome home provides them with the basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. My only concern was that I feel a month might not be enough time for someone to get back on their feet. I like the idea that they are able to reapply if they have the need to stay for another month.
The group did an amazing job in presenting the issue to the class as well as addressing a solution for it. The tiny houses were very economical and a very reasonable price to be able to afford. Being able to have two separate houses one for a single person and the other for a family is a very good idea. Welcome Home allows them to be able to have a house of their own, regardless of the size, make them feel at home for once; compared to other homeless shelters where the beds are lined up and you get to sleep with strangers in the same room. Also, the partnerships such as Home Depot to help with the building of the houses, Mcdonalds to provide vouchers of food for the homeless, and other partnerships to help them obtain a job is very resourceful and a great support system for them. As well as the mentor programs that they offer and having speakers to come talk to them is a great way to motivate them even more.
Over all, Welcome Home is an organization that I can see happening in the future. Their idea economically speaking is reasonable and I would love to see something like this one day. My favorite part of their presentation is when they quoted, "we we're once your neighbor," this gives you something to think about. At some point in their lives these homeless people were once our neighbors, and why not help them get back up there. If people thought the same way these guys did, maybe we'll have less homeless people roaming the streets and more people in the working industry.

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