
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cruel and UNUSUAL punishment

After watching the "White Bear" episode from the Netflix series "Black Mirror", I was able to develop an opinion on the whole, I guess you would call it, experiment. To sum the episode up, a women named Victoria was sentenced to life in prison for helping murder a little girl. Although she did not physically kill the child, she videoed and watched her fiancé, who also got sentenced to life in prison, and not long after, killed himself. Victoria, however, was put through different type of punishment. She would wake up each day with amnesia, not knowing where she was or even who she was. She then would go throughout the day basically experiencing what the little girl experienced. At the end the people running the whole thing reminded her of the crime she had committed. She had know recollection of what she had done until the very end, and shortly after her brain would be erased again.
 Some might say Victoria was just as guilty as her fiancĂ©, and I would have to agree. They both were a part of the crime and were responsible for the death of the little girl. However, they were both sentenced together but, they did not get the same punishment. I feel like Victoria's punishment was absolutely the worst. But I don't really know if you can even call what they did to her a punishment. A punishment is meant to make people realize what they've done and make them pay for their actions. How is a girl getting real punishment when basically the whole time she has no clue what she's done. Real "punishment" would have been making her go through that process once just so she could see how the little girl felt and then making her live with herself. But even then, I still don't believe that is right.
As a Christian nation aren't we supposed to forgive? Making her go through this process, having people through things at her, mentally torture her.. that just sounds like revenge to me. That is not justice. Justice would be forgiving her and sending her to jail. She would have to live with herself every single day knowing what she had done.


Unknown said...

I see we had the same opinion about the punishment and justice. I don't remember there being a part where they were actually sentenced because if she was why is she participating in the justice park when she should be in jail. That just unnecessary. I never really thought about the forgiveness part though. If anything the parents of the child she kidnapped should be the ones to give her that not all those random people.

Zhariya said...

I agree with you all the way that people have to realize what they have done. Also it makes no sense for her to go through her day without knowing what she did wrong until the end and having it erased at the night. I'm also glad that this wasn't a true story.

Anonymous said...

Is violence the best way to solve the crime?
The existence of criminal law is to lead people to be good, rather than simply feel guilt.

Unknown said...

It really makes sense when you say that it was an experiment because this is a punishment that nobody has done it before.
I agree with you about the definition of punishment. She is not really getting idea of why people are against her because she does not remember what she did.

Jenny Lam said...

I completely agree with the fact that her punishment is more cruel than her fiance's. She doesn't even remember what she did! I do not think that this was a very effective punishment even if it is more cruel.