
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The False Reality

When I was watching this episode, "White Bear," I was very creeped out by the fact that everyone was watching and nobody was helping. I could not think of how the world would be if that is how everyone actually acted but then I started to think, a lot of people are already like that. They follow the bystander effect where they watch and don't help for whatever reason. People are constantly on their phones texting, tweeting, doing who knows what and it has come to the point  where anything and everything needs to be recorded. No matter what it is, if you watch the news today, videos are played of terrible things happening and we wonder why people are just standing there recording.

Another reason "White Bear" was so weird to me was because the whole thing was to put on a show. The man says in the end, "Let's put on a great show." He is doing what she did to her daughter. He is making her think that everyone around her is messed up and is only watching and not helping. However, since he is doing this, he is committing the same crime that she did. The woman who video-taped her daughter getting murdered by her fiance was one hundred percent in the wrongs for video-taping it, but the man putting on the show was also one hundred percent wrong for taking her punishment way too far.

I like to think that I would help if I was put in any kind of situation like this and that I would not stand around and watch. Who knows what would happen if something like this actually happens but I am not the kind of person who can watch something bad happen to anyone. I also don't think that an eye for an eye is the right kind of punishment. I believe that if someone does not do something bad, yes they should be punished but it should not be for the sake of everyone knowing they are being punished, but for the doer's correctional purposes. This film makes the viewers like the woman in the beginning and we feel bad for her but in the end, we do not feel as bad because we know what the woman has done. After finding out she was a criminal, I still don't think that I would film it. If anything I would not do anything because knowing that kind of punishment, if I were to help, I would just get punished by those who were punishing her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If this were to happen in real life, I would hope that people would not just stand and watch also. Since people are constantly on their phones now, many people have become bystanders. I think the film was an exaggeration on what is happening in the real world.