
Monday, November 28, 2016

Just Why?

   If someone shoves you into a wall, whats your initial reaction?  Is it just a state of shock that they shoved you? Will it be to shove them back?  Maybe a little harder than you felt shoved. All options seem like normal reactions.  But what if someone was shoved, pretty hard, to the point that the other person was knocked out unconscious.  After waking up that person has no recollection of being shoved and is helped back up by the person who shoved them.  Later you see the same two people and that person is shoved yet again to unconsciousness and is helped once back in reality. Now it's happening over and over and over and over and over again to the point others have noticed and have taken part in spectating everyday.  Does this not seem weird, unreasonable, and twisted?  This same concept happened in the previous film we watched called White Bear.  A woman was put through this whole day of terror, confusion, and memory loss, while being recorded by everyone, all to "convict" her for filming a little girl who was kidnapped, tortured, and burned alive.  Yes her part in the devious act, was horrible.  But why zap her memory to put her through that turmoil if she's not going to remember?  Her prosecutors are claiming that she needs to feel what the girl felt, as in eye for an eye sort of thing.  But I can't get over the fact that she can't remember what she did so how can she help to fix the problem?  Also I can't get over how they made her misery a state park for families to come enjoy.  So not only are they being foolish with the punishment, but also they're looking foolish by the way the finessed some money out of this supposedly "judicial" situation.
     This whole film is supposed to be on the continuum of memory but this really makes me think about the thirteenth amendment in the constitution.  It states in paraphrase that no unruly punishment or slavery is tolerated, unless punishment for a crime.  This means that you can be a slave if it "fits" the crime committed.  So basically once you have been convicted of a felony you are now as low as a slave because you have lot your right to vote, and plus you now can't get a job to keep surviving in the real world.
     All in all White Bear was a very good eye opener and I really hope the world doesn't come to that extreme.


Unknown said...

I keep thinking of the saying "that the inmates are running the asylum". I think this concept makes you question society in a whole, that if we had acceptance of making this a theme park for our entertainment, then it would be a very scary concept as to where we would be as a society as a whole.

Unknown said...

Think this movie is an eye opener also. It shows that if our society continues to lead down the path that are going, then this could soon become reality. A lot of people in todays society are empowering their rights to an extreme