
Sunday, November 27, 2016


At the beginning, the movie was very confused because I did not know nothing about the woman. She did not even remember who she was. So, all the events that were happening to her were too weird. Many questions like why nobody is helping her, why she did not remember herself, how did the world become a place where people can feel so insecure, why all these bad things are happening to her or why did they want to arrive to white bear? For me, she was somebody who has to fight against all the bad people who were terrorizing the world, and that she would become a very important person to achieve this goal. She was a good person, and the rest of people against her were bad.
Once the people showed her what she has done, and why she does not remember her life, I completely changed my mind. Now, I thought that it was fear to make her feel what she did to the little girl, and that she deserved all what she lived during this day. But is it fear for somebody who does not know why she is paying, or having the same day for the rest of her life not even knowing who is she?
It is true that the woman who wakes up every day with no idea of where is she (remembering nothing about herself), and the one who did that atrocity to the little girl are the same person. But it is not fear to make her forget about her entire life. At least she has to remember why people is giving her this punishment. I believe that everyone has a second chance. This means that once a person knows the pain of somebody else, they can understand each other because none of them want to feel that again. So, with this punishment, people is just giving her pain, and she is not really having consciousness of what she has done. Therefore, she will never have a second chance.
Some things that I realized were that she was asking for help, and nobody did nothing except for two people who were in their same position which was running to do not get killed. But when one of these people was fighting to protect her, she did not do nothing. She did not protect him when she saw that he needed help. This gave me a clue of what would be the movie about. It is very contradictory. When she was asking for help, she felt very confused about the fact that they were just watching her and not helping in anything. When the person who helped her was about to be killed, she just thought about herself.


Anonymous said...

I agree that if someone does not remember their crime the punishment is not really being given to the same person. Also, I think her watching and not doing anything to help the person fighting to protect her is supposed to be like her just watching her boyfriend murder the girl.

Rafaella Angelidou said...

I agree that everyone deserves a second chance, something that they do not give to her. Also I believe that the punishment was right and pretty fair but that the fact that she doesn't remember anything the next day, it will never give her the chance to understand and regret for what she did!

Jenny Lam said...

I completely agree that everyone deserves a second chance, and it's not fair that she has to relive awful events everyday. With her memory being wiped, she has no recollection of what she had done to the little girl or anything about herself.