
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Post Election - Waldo for President

Trump For President?

Just five days ago, we, as a country, were told that Donald Trump was going to be our next president for the next four years. Trump supporters rejoiced and Clinton supporters were devastated. But how has the world really acted since then?

Waldo and Trump

A year ago, when we first learned that Donald Trump was running in the 2016 election, we all thought it was some huge joke. We thought "There's no way he is going to win. This has got to be for publicity." Boy, were we wrong. Our reaction a year ago reminds me of the movie we watched in class, "A Waldo Moment." Waldo, being an animated bear, who "runs" in a by-election to get more publicity. At first, it was just a joke because of Waldo's reputation with local politicians but then we see it turn into something else entirely.  

As we see both Trump's post election and Waldo's beginning campaign, we start to see hatred and division coming out of both. Look at this hate crime that has come out after Trump's election here. It genuinely scares me that this world has so much hate against other people. In "A Waldo Moment," we see the hatred spewed from Waldo/Jaime when one of the other candidates mocks him. Waldo calls out both of his competitors and the next day, we see a huge support towards Waldo. Sound familiar? In this link, we see what Donald Trump has called "locker room talk," but in reality, it's just him using his power to say that it's "okay" to sexually assault women. NO! NO! this just absolutely disgusts me. 

Is this Going to Set our World back?

In this section, I'm mainly going to talk about the election and how I personally feel about it. 2016 was my first year to vote and fulfill my civic duty. And to be honest, I am so upset at the shitty choices I had to choose from. A liar or a racist? Yes, there are Independent, Third party but let's be honest, they had no chance from the beginning. As we are currently just a few days post election, I have seen so many new articles and reports showing these hate crimes that scare me to the point that I fear for our country. I fear for us now and I fear for future generations. I don't want to see races divided, families divided, love divided. Like I recently learned in my Sociology class, we are all biologically the same. We are all humans. We are all one race. Why promote hatred and violence when you can promote love and peace? I'm just going to leave this video here. 


Nicole Johnson said...

Excellent blog! I love the fact that you mentioned we are all biologically the same and should instead promote peace and love instead of hatred. I agree with your views on his "locker room talk," and how he ultimately uses his power and wealth to justify sexual assault.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with this idea of Trump being Waldo in our case. I am not into politics so I do not know much of his or Hillary's political background, but surely he has been extremely inappropriate just like Waldo was in the film. I believe that a person should not be qualified as a candidate for the election campaign if they are going to be that rude, uncensored, and obnoxious. As for Hillary, she should not have ran at all if she is going to lie about everything, but everybody lie, even for the sake of attempting to do something good; I would rather for her to be president than Trump because Trump seems worse due to his behavior. Good job on expressing this issue in your blog. I do not understand our species at all either.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much guys for your encouraging words! I am so glad other people understand how bad Trump is for our world and understand the points I try and get across in my blog.