
Sunday, December 3, 2017


First of all, as a catfish fan, I will honestly say I had never seen the first episode when Nev is catfished. I was very surprised not only at the whole Megan situation, but the fact that he was messaging with a little nine year old girl and she was sending him gifts! Now, don't get me wrong I am all for gifts and presents and I thought that sending Nev the paintings that she was paining was sweet, I didn't think it was something that needed to be done as often as it was.

Now, throughout the whole movie, I gave Megan the benefit of the doubt, I truly thought she was real! However, when Nev believed that Megan was sending the exact same songs and saying that it was herself, I instantly threw all of that out the window and said that Nev was being catfished. It's one thing to send someone a song and say, "hey, I like this song, I think you will too," but it's a completely different story when you are saying that you're the one singing it.

Not to mention the lies that she told Nev about being in a rehab facility, which later on we found out that it was all a cover up, but Angela barely talked about Megan being around. I honestly could not get over the fact that they gave Nev an address that he could find Megan, he traveled to her (which to me was so sweet like you go Nev), and the mail was still there when they got to the house, but there was no Megan.

I think you have to be a different type of crazy to go and create 21 different profiles that portray different people you are trying to be to go and pretend to care about someone else. To me, it looks like a desperation call, it looks like a psychopath is trying to manipulate others, its just wrong. I think people who do catfish people only involve themselves, they shouldn't involve other people, yet alone your nine year old daughter. I really did enjoy the episode though!

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