
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Food Waste

After hearing about safestreets idea I thought it was a very good idea. Although I feel like there could be a few flaws to it. One of the flaws could be how it’s Bluetooth. Of course most cars now a days have Bluetooth so those who have it can benefit but what about those who don’t have it? What if they want this devise because maybe they or someone they know suffers from an alcohol problem? Now would they have to buy a whole new car or pay even more money in order to get it installed?

                Another problem can be how everytime you want to start your car you need to take this test. What if I am running late somewhere or have an emergency? I have to do this test every single time then? I know this is safety and its just like putting you get annoyed of notifications from an app or having to do things for it you will most likely delete it.on your seatbelt but I also feel like the person who has this app could just delete it. Let’s be honest, when 

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