
Friday, December 8, 2017

Heat Guard

The idea behind Heat Guard is to protect children or pets left in a car. Injury or death caused by abandonment in a hot car is always a sad story to hear on the news, and I personally liked the idea behind the technology. Frankly, I understand nothing about technology or specific aspects of electronics, so when the group explained how the special car seat would work on a technical basis I really didn’t understand. But I do understand the concept of it which means the most to me. The group that created heat guard wanted a car seat device that would alert parents through their phone when they left a child or animal in the car and it senses the temperatures inside the vehicle. The group also included a facial recognition camera to help detect when there is a living being trapped. The only slight issue with the product is I do not understand how it could be cheap and affordable with its extensive use of technological innovation. The group said that each part was only so much and would cost a total of about $150 but I don’t see how that is possible. I feel like a car seat of this caliber would be at least $200+. That also brings me to the issue of it being a car seat and such an expensive piece of equipment for such a short period of time in a child’s life. If the parent just made sure they had their kid when they left the car, then that would save them so much money and heartache.
            Also we had a debate in class whether leaving children and pets in a hot car was a moral issue, and it was very interesting. At first I figured this for sure was a moral issue because it seems to happen often but the stats presented by the group said otherwise. You hear about the warnings all the time on the news but there are only a handful of instances where children actually die from being left in the car. This doesn’t dismiss those that have been injured while trapped or just the horrendous heat some may endure, but not as many parents are forgetful or irresponsible as we claim. I know I seems to be talking down to this product but even if few, these events do happen and I really liked the idea of Heat Guard. 

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