
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

SafeStreet Review

I really liked the idea of SafeStreet. It was very logical, simple, yet a very serious issue to combat. The app would be using technology, an very quickly growing source, to make roads safer without costing us money. After taking the safe driving test, you would either pass or fail. Failure would prevent you form being able to start your engine but you would still have the option to take the test again. Or you could call an Uber. But, like all ideas, there are issues.

The first question that popped into my mind was "who would really use this?" While practical, I genuinely feel like the main people who would need this app, the habitual drinkers and partiers who tend to get out of hand more often than others, probably wouldn't even download the app. And if they did, nothing at all is stopping them from deleting it or turning off the Bluetooth when they don't want to take it. I really feel like this is the biggest flaw about the app.

I really like the idea of having an Uber to come pick you up. A lot of people already call an Uber when they have had a little too much to drink so this is a well thought out alternative. However, I feel like it would be extremely easy to fail this test. Even for me. The stability test it pretty practical, but I would absolutely fail the date test every single time. Without checking my phone it is rare that I know the date. Instead of the date test, why not implement a test in which you have to type a sentence that is already given, including punctuation and all. This would be a bit challenging if you're drunk. I don't really like the fact that this is just available for cars with Bluetooth. I feel like that is a restriction that would prevent a large part of the population form using the app. Maybe having an option to allow you to get in the car and hook your phone up to the car using your charger would help this.

All in all, this is a pretty good idea. It would definitely need some serious tweaks to be released to the public but the idea itself is good. I'm really uneasy with how easy it is to avoid taking the test though. having it as an app makes it very optional. Very risky.

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