
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Food waste

The group that presented the idea about not wasting idea was overall somewhat ok. When I heard about the whole thing, I was basically thinking "oh well they are sending expired food to the hungry" which is not a good idea. I was ok but I don't think it will actually work by just scanning like how will you get the info from the groceries onto the app. I know you do by the receipt but how would you exactly know the true expiration. Everybody stores their goods differently. And with Uber drivers, like Dr. J said, it would not work because they would want to get paid more and besides if one person on a street block decides to donate food but nobody else in the block does then the Uber will just waste gas to get some pounds of food and if they just drive around the block and wait for other people to donate, well that sounds like wasting time. I like how the group made me aware about how much the U.S. wastes food but sending it off to food banks, just a few days before expiring doesn't go well. Overall it was ok and what Skyler said about using non-perishable foods instead of produce will actually help more.

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