
Thursday, December 7, 2017

SafeStreet Review

In my personal opinion, I feel like SafeStreet was one of the best projects. It was very well thought and the presentation was very thorough. The speaker of the project was very precise with his answers.  I really enjoyed listening to the group answer the questions and take the advice of their fellow students seriously. The idea itself was so basic, it made sense. A small test to take before you drive would eventually save someone's life and it would not take up too much time. While the different tests could vary so that someone could not just memorize the results of the tests, the original tests, I feel like, could also work. There are some improvements that could help the app physically so it would not look so basic. For example, a different color scheme would attract more people to the app. Even though we do not like admitting it, we do often go for the prettier apps. Something else could be a way to connect it to a car that does not have Bluetooth. Students often drive hand me down cars that do not have Bluetooth or anything really like that. But they may still want to be able to use the app. Since the idea of the app is very good, I would hope that people without Bluetooth could be able to use it. I also really enjoyed the actual powerpoint. It was very informative and very well done. Safestreet would be something super easy to include in your everyday schedule. It could be as easy as just putting on your seatbelt. We could make it a habit to where it does not have to act like a chore. The speaker was also very persuasive and the overall group was very helpful in answering the questions. All in all, this was my favorite project. I know being the first group to present in a class could be nerve-wracking but this group handled it with ease.

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