
Friday, December 1, 2017

Hinding behind a computer!

In today's society our generation is influenced dramatically with technology. The number one activity that people interact with is technological. Phones, computers and other machines are devices that everyone is using to do good and bad things. The movie “Catfish,” is a good example of bad actions done through social media. Social media makes it really easy for bad people to hurt other people.
     I usually do not like to watch documentaries, especially when they are recording their daily activities but I found something interesting in this movie. Perhaps, the mystery of what was about to happen caught my attention. Also, catfishing seems too easy for people to do and that makes many of us very vulnerable. I wonder how many guys, girls and little kids have become victimized by someone like Angela. The worst part is that the person behind the computer may not only be as crazy as Angela but may be more dangerous than her. I was not expecting Angela to actually be everyone that he was chatting with on social media with. Also, that fact that she made him fall for a girl that didn't even exist, it is really cruel.
     Additionally, I think that the best thing to do is beware that there are people like Angela with the same or worst intentions and that it can happen to anyone. Also, it is best to not trust people on the internet and to do a background check on anyone your meeting. I think that for Angela to not only fake one identity but a whole life was just beyond crazy. Technology has only made it easier for predators and for younger children to get hurt. This movie has made me think about all the teenage girls that have and that are currently being catfished. Teenage girls are the most vulnerable in these situations and that is major problem.
     In conclusion, I believe that “Catfish,” is a very great movie to watch. It give a close look at what it is like to be catfished and how easy it is to trust people. I think that most of us believe that things like that wouldn't happen to us but the reality is that it can happen to anyone. Something should be created in order to help prevent these things from happening to innocent people. Parents should also be more aware of what their children are doing on the internet and adults should not be so trustworthy either.

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