
Monday, December 4, 2017

Review of Heat Guard

Last Wednesday, a group presented their final project entitled "Heat Guard." This group took the approach of developing a product that would help deal with a moral issue. The product was a car seat that would recognize when a child was left in the car in extreme temperatures and send an alert to the parent through Bluetooth to get the child out. I was shocked to find out that in one year alone that there were almost 10,000 injuries related to hot cars and that over half are under the age of two years old. They took that statistic and wanted to create something to prevent that number from getting higher. With the Heat Guard car seat, there would be two different types of car seats created that would work for different types of cars. While there are other types of car seats like this, none of them were very thought out like the Heat Guard car seat was regarding the type of material and integrated system that they would use. The price that was stated to manufacture this product was stated at $250, which is very good for a price of a car seat that includes all of those elements.

I personally really liked this presentation because I have heard people say, "Oh, this won't happen to me! I'll be more responsible than other people," and then it happens to them. This product would really impact people's lives because if it were to be developed in the future and this unfortunate event happened to someone, it will be amazing to see not only how it works, but also the whole process carry through, from the alert to the time when the child is taken out of the car. As a group, I thought that they all worked collectively very well. They were each given a specific part to talk about and I think that everyone knew what they were talking about and what the importance of it really was. I didn't know all of the statistics and stories that were out there about this issue, so I am glad that they included that into their presentation.

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