
Monday, November 27, 2017

Are they the same? White Bear episode

     From the episode White Bear, Victoria is a criminal who is punished for her crime by being tortured everyday. Her torture involves major memory loss which causes major identity crisis. She wakes up and she doesn’t know who she is or what is going on. For the purpose of this blog post, let’s call Victoria before she was convicted as Victoria 1 and Victoria being tortured as Victoria 2. Victoria 1 committed a crime with her fiancé by kidnapping and murdering an innocent child. She was guilty and committed the crime with no hesitation. Victoria 2 wakes up and sees the child’s picture and immediately thinks that’s her daughter and that she is a victim to a big sabotage. Victoria 1 and Victoria 2 are the same person, but does Victoria 2’s identity crisis make her different from Victoria 1?
     Victoria 1 and 2 have different personalities. Victoria 1 is the criminal, whereas Victoria 2 believes she is the victim. Even though they are the same, the memory loss that Victoria 2 suffers makes her different than Victoria 1. Victoria 2 seems to be more helpless than Victoria 1. The episode doesn’t give much detail about Victoria 1 except the fact she assisted her fiancé in murder of a child. Victoria 1 seemed more confident than Victoria 2.
      Victoria 1 and 2 seem different, but there are some qualities in Victoria 2 that make her more like Victoria 1. When Victoria 2 hides in the store with Jem and Damien, Jem tells her to help Damien fight the killer while she finds an exit. Instead of saving Damien, Victoria 2 follows Jem which causes Damien his life. Victoria 2 did what most humans would do that is save their life, but this kind of makes her like Victoria 1 because she acted selfish and did not care if Damien died. Victoria 2 also has a little violent streak in her which is shown, when she throws bricks at the onlookers or at the end when she is about to kill the huntsman. These few qualities in Victoria 2 tie her back to Victoria 1, but Victoria 2 did what she had too to survive. She followed her human instincts which doesn’t make her bad, but makes her smart. So, was Victoria 2 any different than Victoria 1 or was she the same? Yes, they are the same people, but because of the memory loss that Victoria 2 had, did that make her a different person all together?

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