
Monday, November 27, 2017

white bear

    White bear was an interesting video to watch due to the twist and turns in it, but even still I believe it to be of not good taste. the video itself was well put together and even alittle bit of a moving thing to see but the act of torture is the part that draws me from the video. I understand that the lady in it has done something terrible, I mean how do you excuse the act of not only torture on a small girl but also filming it, it's truly horrific and so I do agree that she needs some form of punishment but torturing her by making her relive a day full of near death expierences and frightful moments is not how I believe her punishment should go. the people who are punishing her for torture by using torture are just being hypocrites and nothing is being taught or accomplished. to resort to violence after someone already has is just fighting fire with fire and it also helps nothing.
    The woman oblviously needs to get help elsewhere and the place of White Bear might even want to seek some form of treatment if they are willing to fall to such depths for which they have. The better solution here would have just been prison or maybe even death because what is a life if she doesn't even know she is living it, so they might as well just kill her. Like I said, it was a good little video but it was also messed up and not of right mind. The film also goes againist many ideas of what makes us human and so I don't believe anyone in that town has any real morals other than terrible ones, but even still, any way I look at it, I see the reason behide such actions and why they may seem justifiable but I just don't agree with them.

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