
Monday, November 27, 2017

White Bear's Inferno

I think that we can all agree that the events in White Bear are pretty unusual. I also think that no one would dispute that the actions of the people running White Bear are sadistic. However, when watching the movie, I could not help but see inspiration from Dante's Inferno. In the book, the traveler, also Dante, is guided through the various layers of Hell by Virgil. The levels are categorized into like sins, and the severity of the sins grows as the levels increase, ranging from Limbo to where Satan himself is frozen halfway in ice with the traitors. However, there is a synergy between all of the levels. The punishment always fits the crime. For instance, the murderers are forever submerged in a bubbling lake of blood. In this case the punishment fits the crime because in real life the sinners "drew blood" by taking the life of another, and now they are subjugated to eternity in the blood of those whom they murdered. Sometimes the connection is not as obvious, but there always is one. In the case of White Bear, although the punishment is unjust, it still fits the crime. Victoria was convicted as a child murderer, although she just sat and filmed her fiancé murder a young girl. The young girl was confused and almost certainly cried for Victoria's help, to no avail. During the events at White Bear, Victoria is constantly confused as to why all these people are just standing around filming her while she is being chased by psychopaths who are out to kill her. This reflects when she was the one filming the child being beaten to death. Now she relives the pain that she inflicted. Not to mention the philological torture that Victoria and the child lived through during their tragedies. There is no question that White Bear drew inspiration from Dante's Inferno. The theme of the punishment fits the crime just works too perfectly with the theme of White Bear.

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