
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gone Catfishin'

Oh yes, the good ol’ catfish.  Just like watching the world crumble around me.  Like that cheesy phrase people say: “don’t let the eyes deceive you.”  Sure, don’t judge a book by its cover.  Don’t look at a hot person and say “hey, this is the one that’s missing in my life.  Time for me to score.”  No, no, no.  It’s like a research topic.  You can’t just go in and write something and turn it in to your professor; you have to look it up, decipher it, deconstruct it, make sure everything you know is everything they know.  Instincts are for chumps, and you’re not a chump because you’re reading this and you’re in college.

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Tinder.  Well-known for its millions of matches it gets just by swiping left or right.  I personally don’t have this “romantic and magical” app, but many friends around me do.  I’m not pro or con about this app, but I do question some things, such as it being trustworthy or safe.  And from what I hear from my fellow peers, it’s a hit-or-miss, usually a hit.  Yes, you only see their face and their “honest” bio, but is that really enough?  Chatting to the “actual” person, meet up somewhere, end up on the news under the topic of a murder or rape.  Yes, a negative mindset, but could possibly happen.  There are some weird-minded, crazy, maniacal people out in the world sadly.  

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          A friend actually came over for Thanksgiving and told me he was catfished by a girl, who looked nothing like the profile picture.  He explained she was at least 100lbs more in person than the profile picture, and was actually in college when the bio said she went to Virginia Tech.  He told me he would never make the same mistake again; hopefully, he keeps his word. The film was PERFECT.  Just as I imagined, the main character wanted to see the love of his life, gets pranked, end of story.  Catfish.  It’s horrible and unfortunate.  That’s why you gotta treat these topics like a research paper.  Before you go out with the person, look deeply through their profile: look them up on Facebook, Instagram, friends’ Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat.  It’s 2017, almost everyone has a social media account.  Don’t let an old creepy dude or a psychotic woman be smarter than you by pranking you.  That’s embarrassing to you, and also will make you miserable.  We already have enough stress in our lives to deal with, don’t stack more on top of it. But overall, great film, kept me on the edge of my seat because I wanted to see every reaction of both sides: the catfisher and the catfished.

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