
Monday, November 27, 2017

White Bear....Future Justice System

In the film White Bear we witness a young lady named Veronica who wakes up in a house and she does not know who she is or where she is. Everyone around her is controlled by a television signal and walk around recording. She is chased by a mask man with a gun and runs into Jem and Damien at a service station. The mask man kills Damien and Veronica and Jem escapes. Jem then explains to Veronica what is going on. As the day goes on they meet another person who is not controlled by the signal and gets chased by these two purge looking creatures. Whenever Veronica is near something electronic she gets flashbacks of a mysterious man and little girl. During the drive to the woods she says she remembers Baxter, the man driving them to the woods. She also says they are going to the woods and nobody would be chasing them, and then they would eat. In the woods Baxter holds them both at gunpoint, Jem escapes, and then he proceeds to torture Veronica until Jem returns and shoots him. They escape to White Bear and it is now revealed what is happening. Veronica is strapped down in a chair by all the actors including Jem. Baxter comes out and plays a video for Veronica revealing who she is. She and her fiancé kidnapped a little girl took her to the woods and burned her body all while Veronica recorded. Veronica is put in a truck and taking back to the same house where her day was started. It is now revealed that she was sentenced to be tortured during her trail. White Bear is actually a theme park for people to come out and be a part of this. So instead being in prison receiving the death penalty she is being tortured everyday and having her memory erased every night. Is this how the future justice system will operate? Is this morally right or wrong? Veronica says she was under her fiancé's spell so could we blame him more than her. What if he did not commit suicide, would they both endure this torture? I felt bad for her throughout the film even at the end after finding out the crime they did. Her fiancé, Iain deserves to be tortured because he was involved more in the crime. The symbol used in the film was his tattoo and naming the park White Bear is connected to the little girl's white stuffed animal. They can not torture Veronica forever because the electrodes will eventually stop working and she will die because they keep repeating the same events everyday. We do not know how long this has been happening to her, from what we see it has only been happening for almost a month but it could be longer. The theme park takes giving someone a taste of their own medicine to a whole new level.

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