I would first like to thank Dr. J for introducing me to the world of Black Mirror. I'm hooked. As I have now forced my boyfriend into watching this with me, I can't help but relate the uncanny valley to this show, but for some maybe not so obvious reasons. The uncanny valley has been proven to be quite accurate, giving a sort of algorithm to our innate instinct to reject that which seems to be but isn't. Black Mirror has been described as a sort of reboot to the Twilight Zone, but I see it as something much more, and eerily so. To avoid spoiler alerts, I'll stick to the "abomination" of Ash 2 in Be Right Back.
There are so many examples of the uncanny valley given to us by Ash 2: the evolution of his communication and how it got sicker and sicker up to the point of his android arrival; Ash 2's smoothness, or as he would say "texture mapping"; and most importantly, how even though all that Ash 2 was came directly from Ash 1, he still was not even remotely what he seemed to be. However, what I found to be the most uncanny is how a lot of this is already happening. I mean, no, we can't ship you a lost loved one, but we are to the point where technology knows who you are. We are giving the world access to (what should be) some of the most intimate and private parts of ourselves, whether we know it or not. We use our finger print, something so individualized and personal to each and every one of us, to unlock out phones. OUR PHONES have stored data of our finger prints. And, for those who are unaware, anything you put on your phone CAN be accessed by those other than you. It's all in a database.
So, if we KNOW that we have so much of ourselves out in the world, or in the cloud like Ash 2, why does the thought of duplicating ourselves bother us? It literally happen everyday. People create fake accounts using a stranger's pictures, post, and any other personal information they can scrape up just by searching their name. There isn't much to it, mostly because we, ourselves, offer this information to the world on a daily basis. We simply get offended when all of that information is used collectively. We delve into the uncanny valley every day, making it more and more, I guess, "canny" and common, with every new trendy advancement in technology.
Your closing paragraph literally just blew my mind all over again. I completely agree with you. Every form of "smart" technology that we use is becoming the norm and therefore our cloud selves are consistently become more and more knowledgeable. For all i know, there could be a Trejan 2 somewhere 😂
@trejan, Makes you wonder doesn't it !
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