In Be Right Back, Ash was introduced as an addicted social media user and due to his obsession with his phone he had neglected his girlfriend, Martha. After the unfortunate event of Ash's death, Martha found an eerie way to mourn and to cope with her loss. Ironically, she had found herself the one attached to her phone and speaking to an application that communicated with her as if it were Ash. Thus, an intoxicating relationship ensued in which Martha had not only spent more money on a robot "Ash", but she had secluded herself from others with only this robotic replacement as companion. Martha was willing to spend any amount of money if it meant more time with "Ash".

Of course, who would not spend money to speak to a loved one, who passed away recently one last time, yet even if this application had access to their social media accounts it would only have information they had posted. The emotional attachment or the way they acted towards their loved ones is distinct to how they could of portrayed themselves online. For example, Ash, before his untimely death, had posted a photo taken after the death of his brother but had posted it with an amusing connotation to the public on social media. Most do post a significant amount of their lives on social media but the private and intimate details shared among loved ones are kept in secret. Memories shared between Martha and Ash were not meant to be shared on social media, which meant robot "Ash" would not be able to recall these intimate details. During the film, robot "Ash" did not even recognize Martha's sister and had found the photo Ash had once despised amusing, which had left Martha disgruntled. The different characteristics of Ash that had made Martha fall in love with would not be included within robot "Ash".

After much turmoil, Martha put robot "Ash" in the attic. Thus, the ending had rehashed Ash's mother's method of coping after the deaths of his brother and father.
I really like that you pointed out how Martha mimicked Ash's mother's method of copying. I was unaware of that until now. That's actually very sad. I think the humanoid could have been more successful if they had more free will and better information. It makes you wonder how we would feel if they were more accurate to the person they were trying to portray. Gosh, it also makes you wonder to what extent, if the robots were exact copies, we would go to have the person again. So many questions!
Very good use of pictures I’m your blog post. Funny how advanced technology could get in the future. What I truly wonder is how much the artificial Ash costed ? It must have been a fortune.
Great job on comparing the grieving method Ash's mom used v.s Martha's grieving method. It just comes to show that everyone grieves a different way!
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