
Sunday, November 12, 2017

Where do we go from here?

     The film Be Right Back ends with the android, Ash 2.0, living in the attic.  The story had raised the question: what to do with a grief android after it has served its purpose? The first solution provided was to end its existence, in this case by having it jump off a cliff.  However, the human "administrator," Martha, could not follow through with this plan.  Hence, the android lives in the attic. This solution raises a few new questions about the future of the android as well as the humans who live and interact with them.  Where do we go from here?  The original, human Ash, is dead and the replacement, Ash 2.0, is living in storage with no known expiration date.
     If the technology that created Ash becomes prevalent in society and the human "administrators" are unable to end the existence of these human replacements, would society be overwhelmed with androids?  Would the attic be full of generations of replacements?  Would a child just need to go up the rickety stairs to the musty dark attic to find a whole family reunion just standing and waiting to be useful?  I think this line of thought leads us to a conclusion that society as we know it would be revolutionized and radically different.  Grief and death would take on a whole new meaning.  The ratio of humans to androids would probably change exponentially as humans die and get replaced by androids that could fairly easily pick up where they left off. Would the androids eventually do the jobs held by their humans before death?  Would they keep these jobs long after the human would have retired?  Where do we go from here?  Eventually, the whole workforce would just be androids doing the same jobs year after year after year.
    The flip side of this coin is the state of humans.  As they replace loved ones with androids, do they stop looking for new love? If they didn't have children before an untimely death, would they live out their days with an android replacement and without kids?  If humans no longer need to work as androids can continuously do the jobs for us, what becomes the purpose in life?  Do we become little diminishing islands of humanity lost in a sea of androids?  Do we breed ourselves out of existence with all our emotional connections attached to replacement androids? Where do we go from here?  How do we find the balance of accepting the reality of androids with artificial intelligence and melding them into our world without also diminishing or replacing humanity?

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