
Monday, May 2, 2016

Awareness of Rape

C.H.A.T is an awesome idea. Because rape is a common issue. Mostly because the victims fear of getting help, the perpetrators think they are invisible. The victim struggles from that moment on and they need help desperately. Another issue with rape is that most victims may not know if they were even raped. So for the group to break down the definition of rape and consent. Rape victims are  victims who struggle from day to day just to live normally. Rape victims trust no one because statistically rape victims know his or her abuser. So they trust no one and isolate themselves. They avoid getting to know anyone and anyone knowing them. C.H.A.T is awesome as far as how it was delivered because victims are important. And they also need to know that them being raped was not their fault. So this app is very handy especially for college students. Since being in a college is like the ultimate way for one to let go and have fun. Most parties or events have alcohol somewhere in the area, so liquor and a good time can crest problems. Because most people tend to be victims of rape after a party and they have been drinking a lot. So they are taken advantage of in their moment of weakness. Because if an individual is intoxicated they can not consent to anything for example. If I were to go get a tattoo today I would have to fill out a form saying that I am not under the influence and I give consent. If I can not understand something as simple as signing a piece of paper then I can not consent to any sexual activity with anyone. On another hand if a person is barely conscience she or he can not consent to sex that way either. C.H.A.T gives victims and just people the knowledge they need moving forward to avoid this from happening or how to deal with it if it were to happen to them. It gives them the option to encourage other victims and help build each other up and get past it and move forward. It also gives them the option to report a rape. Which is amazing. So overall this app C.H.A.T is a great idea and for it to focus on college students it is great because college students are victims more than people may know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that C.H.A.T is a great idea espicially since I have a sister in college, I would appreciate this app for any female that is in college and if they are unfortunately subject to rape that they can take advantage of this app.