
Monday, May 2, 2016

Living Legend.... Living Lie

This episode was your average hour of drama. Catfish definitely did its job when it came to this episode, which included Angela. Angela has taken on different personas online, and I'm not talkin about some wigs and a pair of glasses in order to not only be sneaky and decisive, but to find what she unfortunately does not have embedded in her home life. Angela has created these people who she is not because her home life was hopeless and there was no love in her partnership and she wanted that. For Angela, attention, is definitely, a drug and unfortunately, Angela is hooked. When you are the center of attention, of course it can be a drug, simply because it feels good to have people's thoughts on and about you. This was a technical escape for Angela and it helped to not be Angela, but to be Carol or Pam or whoever she wanted to be that was happy. The question is was she wrong for what she did? Honestly her lie was absolutely wrong, but her intentions were absolutely pure. Angela was genuinely attempting to be happy and if she had to lie to do that, then that waa exactly what she was going to do. She found exactly that in her relationship with Nev and honestly I was happy for her, but there was always the question of if she was really the person she said she was, could she had been happy with her new life. But, Angela isn`t the only person that is out there that does this and the only difference between Angela and them, is that she wasn't looking to be malicious, she wasn't actually looking for something she emotionally didn't have. But, I believe what she is doing is unhealthy and obviously I feel as though she didn't have to do that, she should have just gotten out of this situation just like any other empowered woman. Angela was desperate and in a way I am happy that she found an outlet of escape, but dissapointed that she had to lie to do it. The question that in in my mind is does Angela certainly fit the description of a catfish and if she really persued a relationship with Nev and what if he was able to look pass her lies and accept her for who she was, what kind of relationship could have flourished?

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