
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Flow Free Ponyboy- I Mean Girl

         Free Flo was a project I strongly supported! There have been many debates recently concerning Feminine Products and their costs. This project really jumped into the heart of the matter by pointing out the relevant details. Women who live in poverty may not have a way to secure these important items. The fact that regular donations to shelters rarely hold feminine care products was an eye opener. The monthly material is taken for granted, but it really is a privilege. Free Flo's initiative, making products like these easily accessible, would not only bring awareness to the issue, but it would solve it as well!
     Not only was the issue eye catching, but the presentation also sold the idea. Free Flo was a project that could've hit the City of Memphis that very second, and it would've gained immediate backing. The whole ordeal was thorough, and the only things to be said were ways to improve on the initial idea. Free Flo's website focused on the organization as a whole, but the app focused on the target audience. That was a feature that I especially appreciated. Instead of lumping the donations and their target audience together, Free Flo kept both separate in a way that put that target audience first. 
     The only thing that I would add to the project was something about the app. People who live on the street are regularly mistreated by others perceiving them as second-class citizens. I would add an Alert feature on the app that would allow users to report Partner Stores or specific Employees who were especially indecent to Free Flo dependents. This would ensure responsibility and accountability to the store owners and provide a feeling of safety and control among Free Flo dependents. 
     Overall, Free Flo was an informed and interesting idea for women in need. The presentation would definitely create a buzz if it were to become a copyrighted idea, and the app would be a success for prospective users. The entire project was appreciated due to its relevancy and information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Free Flo was a great idea and it impressively showed me the little things that are to me, they are big things to women, espicially to homeless women. I loved this idea and the fact you incorporated donations and candy was just a bonus and who doesn't love candy.