
Sunday, May 1, 2016

My Reaction to Stress Less

The Stress Less App is a good app for anyone, especially college students, to have.  Stress can come from different issues and situations like work, school, and/or other prior commitments.  The way one handles that stress says something about how he or she lives life.  For millennials, stress is a major problem that can either make or break the individual.  During the presentation, the group pointed out that the age range for millennials is from late teens to early thirties (18-33).  I found this fact interesting at the beginning of the presentation because I started thinking about different scenarios where stress may arise for millennials.  At age 18-19, one may be faced with decisions concerning life after high school, such as college admission, possible military service, or direct entrance into the workforce.  If the decision is made to attend college, then a millennial's stress level is likely to increase due to issues of adjusting to college life, maintaining a good grade point average, and participating in on-campus organizations.  In the post-college years (22-33), one may be stressed out about finding a good career, deciding whether or not to attend graduate school, and adjusting to life in the "real" world.  No matter how comfortable we may get, life is still knocking at the door with more situations that will cause stress to arise.  Personally, I pray and read the Bible when I am stressed.  With the Stress Less App, I would be able to customize the "My Plan" tab with motivational, Christian-based settings.  In "Playlist of the Day," I would arrange the music to play different Gospel and Christian Contemporary songs throughout the week.  I would want the "Suggestions of the Day" to be Bible verses and inspirational quotes from famous individuals.  For the "Pictures of the Day," I would have pictures of family members and friends.  That is how I would use the Stress Less App.  Different people would have different types of music, suggestions, and pictures for their Stress Less profiles.  If everyone had the Stress Less App, there could be a possible decrease in cases of depression and social anxiety.  Even if the app itself cannot directly help someone distress, then it can provide other alternatives of coping with stress.  In the presentation, the group mentioned hotlines that one can call if under extreme stress or contemplating suicide.  As stated before, the Stress Less App is very beneficial for the entire general public.

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