
Monday, May 2, 2016

Free Flo to be Free

Free Flo brings attention to the homeless but more specifically the female homeless. This project drew me in when I realized that this is a huge problem that is typically unnoticed and under addressed. Usually when speaking about a woman’s menstrual cycle, I think of how it is entirely unfair for women to pay for materials such as tampons and pads when having a period. It is not a choice and is already a big enough burden to bare. I cannot imagine he additional burden of not having a way to manage not only the maintenance but the pain that comes with it. I thought that the idea of having menstrual care products readily available to the homeless was a spectacular idea. The execution of putting this into practice is also ingenious. I also really appreciated that the manner in which they were getting their income to continue the process of providing free menstrual care via the selling of chocolate. I thought it was both an ideal way and funny connection to a woman being on her period. I also enjoyed the idea of having local restaurants and shops having their sticker in their window for people to know that they are a supporter for the Free Flo movement. However, I am not too sure of how practical of an idea this would be in reference to business owners. I think business owners would be apprehensive about homeless people coming into their stores with paying customers around. They might see it as putting their safety at risk. Also places supplying the Free Flo products could then use the establishment as a place to panhandle. These are just some concerns of mine that could come about due to the supplying of this product. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of negative stigma towards those in poverty. This stigma could definitely play a role in how well this idea is actually executed in a real world sense. I still think that this is a great idea but I think that these are some concerns that need to be addressed before being put into motion. I also do think that it is a realistic idea. I can see it possibly being initiated in gas stations, or places like Planned Parenthood. I really agreed with one my classmates, Jessica Allen, that Planned Parenthood would be a great advocate for this project. I believe it would bring a lot of great publicity for the project and promote a healthy life.

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