
Monday, May 2, 2016

W.A.S.P : A Service For Today

Women Against Sexual Predation (W.A.S.P for short) is a very interesting project. The group started out in their prezi by explaining to the class the misconceptions about sexual assault, such as how hard it is to come forward about rape. The group even gave startling statistics such as the fact that 98% of sexual assault cases are not reported. I feel as though this number is way too high in the society we live in today, or at least what it should be. This should immediately show everyone that the group’s service is seriously needed in our world right now. I appreciate how their service is a website with an app extension. The group even showed competitors and explained how the group’s service is even better than these alternatives. The group’s website was put together very well. I especially loved their logo which is in the image of a wasp’s nest, further emphasizing the community aspect of their service. The main part I did not understand about the group’s website home page was the fact that they had tabs at the top of the screen, then more tabs under the same titles a little further down the page. However, the delivery of each section was extremely good. The website’s prevention tips include not only tips to try to avoid situations in which a person may be sexually assaulted, but the page also describes tips to people who may commit the crime of sexual assault. The group’s statistics page is also very well put together with the statistics of getting sexually assaulted on one side, then the results of being sexually assaulted on the other side. I personally thought this formatting was well thought out and visually appealing. The group even decided to place a visual representation of how many women have been sexually assaulted in their life time, which is rather horrifying to think that this type of behavior has become that common in this day and age. The app also seems very easy to use as well as handy. A person can call the police just by pushing a button on their phone that will allow the police officers to know that you are about to be sexually assaulted or that you feel as though you are in danger of that occurring. Although this is a cool feature, I feel as though the large badge on the screen kinda gives it away and can put you in more danger than you originally were.

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