
Sunday, May 1, 2016

FreeFLo; A Feminist's Jam!

    The second app and website invented that truly caught my attention and interest was FreeFlo. As a feminist, this presentation had me pumped and ready to go out and start making it happen. There were a few things about the project I thought could maybe be tweaked slightly to make it more affective but the overall idea was awesome.
    As an overview, the group presented a website/app combination that makes it available for homeless women to have access to feminine hygiene products for free. With astounding stories of things homeless women go through without access to these necessities, it is enough to make any woman cringe and want to reach out to help our sisters. These homeless women often receive care packages but feminine products are so often over looked and go unrealized. This app can find women using a GPS feature that then alerts them with local restaurants and businesses that participate in FreeFlo and will give them whatever they are in need of for free.
    This general idea of the app and website are enough in my opinion to truly make a difference. What the group needed to be more clear on was finding the businesses that would allow this to happen and how they were going to go about asking businesses. They also were selling chocolates on their website to make a profit to buy these products but I truly believe this is something that would thrive simply off of donations. Along with this, there was a confusion on whether the group would accept donations of tampon boxes and pad boxes and I think in order for the business to truly be successful, they would need a central location they could operate business in order to make things run smoothly. This location would not have to be anything fancy by any means but just a place to use as a drop off location as well as planning room for what locations needed to be invited to help the cause and/or just needed to be restocked on products.
    Like I said, I believe the groups idea was so unique and a true problem that NEEDS to be addressed. The good health of a human should not be treated like an option. I think these girls could go out and make this idea work and thrive especially right here in the city of Memphis. My ideas on the project are maybe just some things that could help it be more efficient. Go job girls!!

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