
Sunday, May 1, 2016

"Boycott Connect" Critical Evaluation

The project “Boycott Connect” explained the problem of corporations participating in immoral acts towards people and the environment just for profits. This issue is very prevalent in our daily lives, and I think this project could help solve this problem. The group focused on three major areas that companies act immorally towards. The environment was one of the topics the project discussed. Pollution and the destruction of our environment done my corporations is something consumers need to be made aware of. This website would not only tell what the companies do, but also gives you a list of all of their products so you know what to avoid buying to prevent supporting environmental destruction. Another topic brought up was slave and child labor. This is a heinous act that many companies unfortunately still implement. These companies should be help responsible for this crime and should face many charges for using such labor, but most of them get away with it. By using this website, the consumer could see the products made from slave and child labor and could avoid buying such products. This would encourage the companies to stop using immoral forms of labor. Another topic discussed was humanity. Corporations engage in crimes against humanity. A specific example the group brought up was the Nestle baby formula scandal, which led to the death of many infants. It seemed like Nestle pretty much got away with murder in this instance. This website would tell consumers of such heinous acts, and they would know what companies to avoid purchasing from. I think overall this website is a very good idea. It deals with a huge problem in our modern society. By giving the consumers information about companies that they may not know, it is encouraging people to stop supporting corporations that are hurting the people and planet. I think that if enough people used the website and boycotted buying from these companies real change would begin happening. Most of these companies are strictly focused on profits. If enough people came together and said enough is enough and stopped buying their products the companies would soon see a huge decline in their profits and would probably clean up their acts. There are a few things I would have liked to see in the project. I think it would have been improved if more companies had been listed. I did like how when you click on the company you can see all of their products. It can be hard to identify what all a company owns sometimes. I think that this feature is very well designed, along with the website in its entirety.

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