
Monday, May 2, 2016

Reviewing Pa$s the Buc

Textbooks are expensive, everyone knows that. Even before getting into college, students are faced with the fear of losing or having to buy textbooks for any class. Although there are a few ways of finding cheap books, students today do not have many options other than to immediately buy books for class or add them to the increasing amount of student loans. The group that presented the idea of Pa$s the Buc alarmed me with the reality of expenses that are made only from textbooks. The price for books and supplies reached hundreds of dollars, and was estimated to rise even higher due to yearly inflation. Due to this, it was expected to know that this is the reason why many students have decided to not buy certain books for class, which not only makes the learning experience harder, but also more stressful. Before presenting their idea, the group gave out helpful tips for students and teachers such as looking out for used books and informing teachers that options such as E-books exist for their classes. Other things they mentioned were additional expenses, such as room and board and electronic costs. With all of this in mind, the group finally presented Pa$s the Buc, an app that was made "to utilize the minimax theory with college students of minimizing their college costs and maximizing their benefits as much as possible."
The app initially gives out its four main options on its home screen: Buy Books, Tutor, Trade, and Buy Supplies. The sections titled Buy Books, Buy Supplies, and Trade were mainly a place where students could buy,sell, and trade items such as textbooks, supplies, and gear. I believed these two sections to be a great idea. I love the fact that you are not only able to make profit out of things you no longer may use, but you may also be able to connect with other students who may be selling something you need at a much lower cost than an original.
The section that interested me the most was called Tutor. Although there are several options made available for students in colleges already, there are never enough. I believe that adding a way for students to communicate and arrange a tutoring session can sometimes be even better than sessions arranged by colleges. By allowing the students to communicate, there is a better chance at finding someone who is able to help in a specific subject.
Overall, I loved this idea and the convincing presentation given by this group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, this project was great and being a upcoming freshman in college, I wish this app was real and that I could have the chance to take advantage of this opportunity to save a buc!