
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Technological Beginning: Ending Catastrophe

     I really got interested in the movie we watched last Wednesday in class. Although it was a very strange concept to grasp, it was actually very engaging. After the main character's boyfriend dies, she replaces Ash with a communication system of a phone talking back to her as Ash previously would have. It is creepy that this was designed through tracking every message they ever sent to each other on social media accounts. The reliability and ability itself of technology these days is insane. That is the overall point lying within this peculiar motion picture that was made.

     She has a whole talking conversation in a farmland, grassy, area with her non-living robot voice acting as her former, living boyfriend. This whole concept is hard to wrap your head around. She soon creeped me out even more when she decided to buy the robot, or fake, human version of Ash as her companion. This is as close to real-life as she could get, and it takes the robot thing to a whole new level. The only things he couldn't do were have sex and say one-hundred percent what the real Ash would. However, she still has sex with him which I found funny, but very weird while watching the movie. Even though they end up both taking care of the first baby girl born from her original pregnancy, this whole concept of being together is extremely uncomfortable and just downright strange. Even if the real Ash was meant to be with her, there should not physically be a way possible to duplicate of robot version of him. There was not obviously, but they made it ridiculously close, even though it is just a movie. The point is the concept of technology is portrayed almost way too far in this film.

     Overall the concept of activating a human being in a bathtub is very strange. I mean after all, only God can make real humans to reproduce more humans. They are not real if they were pre-packaged and activated with electrolyte powders. This whole movie was engaging but probably one of the weirdest things I have ever watched in my entire life. It did not make much sense to me. However, what it did do, was prove how powerful the technology of today's world is. From iPhones to tablets, to gaming systems, and Siri on your phone, there is no stopping the technological world of tomorrow.

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