At the beginning of this movie, young couple Ash and Martha are starting off their new life, by moving to the countryside. The day after they began unloading their belongings, Ash set out to return the car that they had rented, before the car shop closed. As the day turned into night, Martha realized that she had not heard from Ash the entire day and started to get worried. Frantically trying to get a hold of Ash, Martha decides to call her sister, and she believes that something horribly wrong has happened. As her sister tries to comfort her, Martha hears a knock at the door and soon realizes that it is the police. It is not clarified how Ash died exactly, but I assume that he died in a car accident.
As Martha was grieving at her husband's funeral, one of her friends gave her an idea to help with her pain. The idea was simply that she could download something, like a app in today's world, that would end up talking to Martha like a typical phone-call, but would sound like Ash, even though he was dead. Now I can see why Martha decided to take her friends advice, but the whole concept of a software analyzing the deceased social media and old messages, and then using their voice to help cope with the pain is a little weird to me. Now if I was in Martha's shoes, I would probably do the same thing if I was feeling her pain.
My next speaking point is about Ash 2, because that made this film even more interesting and I personally got a little uncomfortable seeing Ash 2, because today's society is currently working on those types of projects today. After talking with software Ash, or Ash 1.5, for a bit she decided to order Ash 2. At first Martha was freaked out by Ash 2, but then came around to enjoying his company, especially during their alone time. But as time went on, Martha started realizing that Ash 2 was not really Ash. She kept getting upset, because Ash 2 was not showing any emotions like Ash 1 would express. Martha eventually kicked Ash 2 out of the house. Later she then brings him back into the house, but then requests that he jump of a cliff, where Ash then tries to show that he has emotions and begs Martha to not make him jump.
The film then skips ahead about ten years and the audience sees Martha and her daughter eating cake, because it is her daughter's birthday. So what happened to Ash 2? Did he jump off the cliff ten years ago? The audience then discovers that Martha has kept Ash 2 upstairs since their time on the cliff, and I believe that the reason behind that is, because Ash 1 told Martha that his mother used to put boxes of pictures in the attic, whenever a family member died, and I believe that was what Martha was thinking when she decided to keep Ash 2 in the attic.
I never really thought about it from the whole aspect about her putting Ash 2 in the attic just like his mother put the pictures in the attic. It really adds a extra twist to the ending and i'm happy that you pointed that out. That was a very good observation that goes beyond just the surface.
I'm glad you mentioned the part how it skips ahead ten years, and the fake Ash and Martha have their daughter in the house. The daughter is from the real Ash and Martha's previous pregnancy a while ago. Although the fake Ash is acting as the dad, the real Ash deceased, is the real dad because he had an affair with Martha before he passed away. It is a strange concept that the girl may or may not know that is not her real human being dad. We do not know whether or not Martha told her own daughter the real past situation. Him taking care of her is fine, but still the whole concept is strange because he is not a real person at all.
Like the previous two comments, I am happy that you gave your theory as to why Martha decided to put Ash in the attic for years. It is very logical and seems to be the most appropriate answer for the very weird ending. However, I am a little confused and I hope that maybe you can elaborate a little more to help me better understand! I feel as though I missed the part where Ash told Martha about his mother putting pictures in the attic when a family member died. I don't understand why she would have done that. This might be a really stupid question, but were the pictures of the deceased family member or was it the rest of the relatives? I'm not sure if it was mentioned in the show and I am sorry for asking again if it was. I am just trying to understand the correlation.
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