The movie from the other day was hands down the strangest thing I have ever seen. There is absolutely no question. I did not understand why everything was happening. The cameras videoing the girl were truly despicable, and just downright evil. Making fun of a girl having a mental breakdown is just wrong, immoral, and shows how way too many people follow the crowd nowadays. I am still confused as to how the whole film was just an act for entertainment. They ended up laughing at her and making her watch herself as a kid. This was at first interesting because it made it seem like everything was fine when she was on the stage. However, she then is shocked with voltage or something in the mechanism strapped to her head while watching herself on the screen. This makes the film take a turn for the worst.
The overall ending is very strange and un-comprehensive for some people. While screaming, the girl is shocked or electrocuted with voltage in her head through the earbud white headgear. This whole process is absolutely cruel and is demonstrated as true torture. Along with this, she was threatened earlier in the movie with a drill. Thankfully that man did not hurt her. Despite all the pain, somehow this acting process all teaches her a lesson. I am still confused on what exactly that is. Although they are acting, the White Bear park is one of the strangest groups of people I have ever witnessed. As a whole, this film truly packs the house in peculiar, and extremely thought out torture ideas.
From the drill to the headgear, to the chicken suit person with a saw, this film is insane due to its high quality of human torture. It basically shows some giant overall theme and message of how people act in different situations, and how phones and technology are sometimes our enemies. The first Black Mirror film in the series we watched compares to this second one in one main similar way. The similarity is indeed technology. I have never seen something portrayed so clear than how phones are sometimes our enemy. It's actually really scary at times. The videoing done in the recent episode cause true pain to the girl with the mental breakdown. The torture brings her to tears while people video her live on phone cameras. This whole process is extremely demented and really wrong, and just messed up. I don't know who in what mind comes up with these films. They're actually really creepy, thought out, and just downright strange. There are only two good lessons learned here. One is that technology can hurt us, so we need to be careful. The other is that some people are really good actors and have really weird ideas for films.
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