The second episode we watched in class of the Netflix Episode from the series Black Mirror called "White Bear" made me question criminals and the punishments they receive based on their crimes. It was interesting to see a different type of punishment being done but also disturbing. Victoria filmed her fiancé Iain abuse and burn the body of six-year-old Jemima Sykes and did not even intervene.
I agree that she should be punished but I think for only a certain extent. Victoria could have been abused or scared of her fiancé and I know that is not an excuse for what she did but she should not have to take on the full responsibility. I am not trying to have compassion for her but do you really think that with tormenting Victoria everyday it will change the fact that Jemima has died and she cannot come back to life? If it was really just a form to get justice for Jemima do you think they would have made Jemima's death an amusement park and get profit from it? The most disturbing part of it all was that they were making it almost as if it was a game and if I were to be Jemima's mom I would have been severely offended that someone is making profit out of my daughter's death. It is completely useless to torture Victoria everyday if she cannot even remember the crime she committed and when she finally does she only knows for a couple of hours and then gets her memory wiped out again. How is wiping a person's memory every day and tormenting her going to help Jemima's family heal?
Victoria did a horrible thing but the people that are watching and participating torturing her every day are doing wrong as well. These actors in the park are tormenting her as part of their job, meaning they are getting paid for it. Do you think the actors even care about Jemima's death? Maybe at first but after a while all they really care about is the paycheck they will receive after every week.
What happens when Victoria dies? Are they just going to catch another criminal and make profit all over again? Is any of this money going towards Jemima's family? These are all the questions I asked myself while watching this. Two wrongs do not make a right regardless of the situation.
I completely agree with your blog post. I do not feel as though two wrongs make a right, and I feel that this saying could not apply more to this particular situation. Although Victoria did a great wrong, these actors and bystanders who are there for enjoyment are doing a great wrong as well in my opinion. It is truly sick.
I believe the system in place for Victoria is so specific, so unique to her condition and the crime her and her fiance committed that it would be impossible to impose this specific "show" onto anyone else. I think it is certainly important to consider just how far they have taken their punishment, and how it relates to their continued performances: "Just have fun". The enticing notion remains, for this setting, though, even after Victoria's inevitable passing, how this "entertainment" can be applied to lesser criminals for gain.
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