A young man by the name of Nev builds a relationship with a little girl named Abby who is an incredible artists (so we thought at the time). He builds a relationship with Abby's sister Megan over Facebook. And occasionally speaks with Abby's mother Angela.They build their relationships for about a year (not meeting in person because they live several states away) while exchanging paintings of Abby’s. Megan sings songs and posts them on the internet. Nev, his brother, and friend realize that one of Megan's songs sound familiar. So they search and find the exact songs Megan posted and said were hers but turns out Megan literally just copied the songs.She tries to deny it and say they were covers but they we exactly the same songs.They find gaps in all of Megan's and Angela's stories and decides they will take a trip to Gladstone Michigan from New York City. It takes them about a day to get there. When they arrive at Megan's farm where she is supposed to live but does not. They mail had not been gathered from the letters/cards Nev sent months ago. The next day they show up at Abby's house unannounced and surprise everyone. Nev asks Abby many questions about the things he thinks could possibly be lies and figures out Abby only paints a little and that Abby has not seen her sister in a very long time. When the truth comes out Angela cries and feels embarrassed. As she pretended to be Megan the whole time and built this fake relationship with Nev. She lied about Abby's paintings as Angela is the one who painted all of the paintings. I suppose the reason why she told Nev they were Abby's was so that maybe the relationship would not be creepy… She is an amazing painter though. She did go as far as having two separate phone accounts one for herself and one for “Megan”. She had also lied about having cancer. She used a random ladies Facebook account to promote Megan as a real person and posted pictures of this lady with her friends to make it look real..

Overall Angela seems like she is a very sweet lady who is just lonely. She has a lot going on, she takes care of two handicap kids and then her daughter Abby. She did go way too far with Nev but I do not believe she tried to hurt anyone. The fact that she pretended that her daughter Megan was around and had a “relationship” with Nev was awful, Angela was the one who had feelings for Nev the whole time. I feel like she may have not even realized that what she was doing was completely wrong until someone called her out on it. In the end she changes her lifestyle from what we could tell after all of this happened. She deletes her fake Facebook accounts, Nev still has her as a friend on Facebook and still keeps in touch. Angela makes her own website and promotes her paintings as an artist which I think is great because she is a really good artists and she deserves to be noticed for the work she does. I hope she does not do anything like that again and that she has somehow changed her ways.
I agree with a lot of what you said. I do wonder how Nev was able to be so kind to her. That many months of being fooled, I'd think he'd be embarrassed, upset, and angry! But it seems like he and Angela actually became friends. And maybe he has a big heart and she gave him a worthy apology, but man, it would be hard for me to take Angela seriously after that. I mean she went so far out of her way to fool him!
I completely agree with your statement. I think it is terrible what she did with the fake relationship. However, she did have a lot going on and was dealing with alcoholism. She had a rough life and found a negative way to deal with it. Thankfully, she got it turned around in the end.
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