
Sunday, April 29, 2018

901 - Eats

     901 Eats is a great idea. It addresses the problem of world hunger, starting with Memphis. The plan  is to go to restaurants and give away their old food. Not food that people started eating, but untouched still sell-able food. They plan to distribute this food around Memphis using large trucks and volunteers.
     I personally fee like this is a doable plan. If this were a real thing I think that they could pull this off. They plan to fund themselves through coupons and donations. That may take awhile to really take off, but I think they will largely be supported. I really did not find any flaw with their plan to do this. Though in their presentation they focused alot on food waste and their product does not stop food waste or largely reduce it. They are still doing a great thing. They are helping solve the issue of people who do not have enough food to eat. Which is commonly called world hunger.
     Though they do not create a new technology I feel like that their idea is new enough that it does not matter they have a real viable answer to a real problem that we are facing in Memphis. I can see the Nationwide potential for the company. Using this idea in real life could really change peoples lives.
     Though the question is what kind of food will restaurants be giving them hands down I feel like pastries and deserts and things like that will be something that they will have an abundance off. My only worry is the nutritional value of these foods. People need balanced meals and can not survive on junk food/ fast food alone.
    Another worry of mine is about the people who use this. Its easy for people to get content. The homeless people who decide to use this may stop trying to better themselves. They can reliable find a meal everyday and they make enough money everyday to sleep in a shelter. I feel like this service can get taken advantage of pretty quickly.What are they going to do to make sure that people do not get content and decide to rely on 901 Eats instead of using it as an aid and truyl relying on this service to feed them for free.
    Overall I feel like this is a great thing though like all great things it can have its setbacks. I feel like as long as they can find a way to give healthy foods also I think that this may be the best idea that was presented.

1 comment:

Kapria Manning said...

I also agree that they cant just give the shelters junk foods, but should try to give them balanced meals.