
Monday, April 30, 2018

Pantry Vending

Pantry Vending

Pantry Vending is smart idea to feed the hungry and the less fortunate. I feel that eating healthy is very important and even better for the less fortunate, because it gives them a chance to eat healthy as well. The idea of having healthy food items in a vending machine is unique. It's also a very considerate idea compared to various donation companies that are already out. The idea of having a vending machine is very considerate for those who may be embarrassed or ashamed to be less fortunate and not have as much food. With this being a vending machine, how would a lot of people know about this. How will they gain more knowledge of how they can eat healthy and for what prices. Therefore, I don't recommend that this be a discrete idea. There are too many people that do not eat every day for this to be discrete. These Pantry Vending machines need to be everywhere, especially in rural areas. If many people don't know about this service, then this would be irrelevant and not very helpful. In today's society people are already embarrassed of receiving any type of helpful aid. With this machine services, I feel that people wouldn't mind using, due to people's lack of knowledge of others knowing what they are doing at a vending machine. The machine will increase one's confidence knowing they can't be judged knowing their life is different from others. This machine needs a lot of information that can be hard to acquire which is why this is going to be very impactful in the world. I do have a lot of questions, like how much food is going to be distributed from the machine? How much food is one allowed to receive from the machine? Exactly what foods would be distributed from the machine? How would the machine know who's who and their economic background and situations? It's a lot more research that I feel needs to be required in order for this idea to be a success. Overall, I feel as if this idea in general is amazing. To even think of such an idea says a lot about how considerate the creators are. With more research and business partners, this idea could be next level. I really want to see this in the future. The outcome of this idea could shape the world in various ways. 

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