
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Project smiley makes me smile

The other project I found very astonishing was the Project Smiley. Project smiley is a communication site that can unite students within a university. On this site you could discuss with others about a particular subject in class or if you are having issues with a class you can video chat with tutors or even schedule appointments with them. I like this project cause it would be effective for my own struggle. Everyday at Christian Brothers I run into students that have trouble with understanding their professors lectures, which was one of the statistics that was present on their project to be the top large percentage of students not attending class. I can even relate to the other students, because college can be very challenging and you become exposed to more advanced work and unlike high school you are very independent. You really have nowhere to turn to unless you seek the help yourself versus high school there is more assistance from my own perspective. I could easily learn, but I could also easily forget and with project smiley I could be reminded with the addition of the lecturers and notes even if they are not as well taken I could possibly view videos and other resources. Also, we have a little over half of a university student dropping out, because they are struggling with the work and they have nowhere to turn. This website could reduce the drop out rate, because then they’ll be able to understand the work provide by their professors. This website is even good for networking with others to help further your success. Almost 90 percent of jobs are obtained through the network. This could also reduce unemployment rate, because then you have peers that will get you involved in the working world suggesting many opportunities you can take with your degree choice. I even find myself missing some assignments when I enter in class late, which I am still paying for, and to catch up on them I can turn to project smiley to help catch me up on my work so I won’t feel as if I am missing out and losing money. The project smiley will unite a lot of students and even get more people involved. This will help people succeed in their future and help them become better performers within their academic work. This can help you gain important information you need, so you don’t have to lose both ways you could win both ways. You not
Losing money and you’re still getting the information you need.

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