
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Pantry vending machines

Jair Patricio
Dr. J
29 April 2018

Pantry Vending 

    I’ve taken into consideration of this idea because it’s like an honest way of giving back to the community. Not only that, it pertains to the nature of doing to the good. When I heard of them making the vending machine, it kind of made me think of how this was going to work with everyone having that urge to see who’s going to get what out of it. I don’t enjoy the eyes of people and I bet that there are some that don’t like it either, so I suggest it be something that won’t be obvious.

   There was a suggestion that grabbed my attention because they made it into a way of hiding the fact you are in need. In any case. I’ll argue a little with the idea because there are some churches that already host some soup kitchens and sometimes a place to stay. Another thing is that I am aware that people are sometimes too far from such services that I really do consider this as a great idea for location but there are instances that locations will encounter dangerous situations such as robbery, vandalism, and other delinquent actions that can desecrate this idea As for the registration part, I believe it can be broken down into a little simpler because some people can lie about how many family members one can have. I’m not saying everyone is going to do that but there have been cases in taxes that people ask for permission from other parents to help them into dependency.

   The subjects are so different but yet there will be thin lines of honesty with the employees and customers. Another thing that will keep me thinking about is the way that the project will get its groceries. I know that they are mainly going to come from the donations from the people but when it comes, there can be possible dangers such as poisoning and tampering. It’s quite a difficult world to live in so late that having people put in you can be sometimes the worst thing that a human being can do because in a moment everything can fall apart so easily. So, I like to end it with the full support of the ideas because this targets the ones that don’t know where the next meal will come from.

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