
Friday, April 27, 2018

Reaching Nirvana

The third group created a webpage that focused on helping people relieve their stress, anxiety or depression. They also included Down Syndrome. However, as we discussed in class I do not see this page working for people with Down Syndrome. People with Down Syndrome can be very sensitive to strong harsh light, or loud noises. I do not think this page is really catered for people with Down Syndrome. That being said I think focusing on the stress, anxiety and depression part will be the most successful. I like that the group focused on something that everyone can relate to. To some extent we all have experienced some form of these diseases or feelings. Especially since it is finals week. The group did a good job at presenting their statistics and background information. Their information was relevant and it laid a foundation for their solution. They broke the terms down and what some of the symptoms could be.

Once they pulled the webpage up my biggest concern was the background. The background had too much going on and it is not at all what I want to see when I am trying to calm down or relax. Although I disliked the background I think the rest of the page is very functional. I am very impressed by the time and effort that they put in. This page makes me feel like it is a playground for adults/young adults in a way. Stressed out people can come to the page and relax. They can in a way become children and forget about their worries or problems. I really enjoyed the fact that the page has different things for you to do. It is not just a page for games. It also has relevant information about stress, anxiety, and depression and who to contact if it is getting out of hang. Another part of the webpage that I really enjoyed is the blog post part. I think it is important for people to share how they are feeling or even just their random thoughts.  I think it was a simple, but wonderful and well thought out webpage.

One of the problems we discussed as a class was the blog area being used for bad intentions. We were all concerned that people would go on there and bash others for their thoughts and problems. However, the group reassured us that they did not permit hate speech and that certain words/phrases were banned. I think that is a good solution. Someone also asked what their procedure would be if someone posted about suicide. They said that they hoped people on the page would discourage them from such a thing and that they had the number for a suicide hot line. I think that maybe having people register and have accounts if they want to use the blog part could be beneficial in a situation like that. Maybe users could be required to state an emergency number or something.

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