
Monday, April 30, 2018

Pantry Vending

With our group projects throughout the last couple of weeks, one of my favorite ones was the project called Pantry Vending. The project is based on trying to end or at least decrease the families in poverty who cannot afford food. This idea is very smart since being based in Memphis there are many families below the poverty line. I think it is so true what Erica spoke of during her part, that even those who need help are sometimes too scared to ask for helping, so the idea of making the machine a common thing so people won't feel anxious using it. Having a finger print scanner is smart too since obviously if you were to use like a certain card or id, people could just share them all the time and try to trick the system. The big issue on the table would be how to make sure the machines will not be broken into, Nick mentioned that they were be like plated to the ground which is smart but no matter what the security I think some way or another someone will try and succeed. I think this project was one of the better ones in our class and also this kind of thing does exist, or at least I don't know anything equivalent, so I think Pantry Vending is something that could actually happen and be a successful way to come close to ending poverty. During the presentation it blew my mind that the poverty line is around 26,000 dollars for a family of four, when you think about it after taxes and paying for water, electricity, heat, etc. there really isn't much left over to feed the entire family with that kind of income and it's heartbreaking to know that even here in our city that it is the case with some families. I also really like the idea that the vending machine won't only have junk food but actually have healthy items so then people aren't abusing the machine and when they are using it they are getting the things they really need when that sort of thing may not be provided to them. If possible I think Pantry Vending should happen or at least try to happen for the families, not even in Memphis, but everywhere around the country, this is something that could actually help the world around us and something good would most likely come out of it. This idea of ending poverty is something the country should take ore seriously and start taking actions on it yesterday.

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