
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Group #1 - GroupSync

Boy, did the first group really set the bar high. Albeit a tad repetitive at times, I really enjoyed the relatable explanation of the intricacies about how groups work, what types of people make up the composition of a group, and how different types of members can affect the group as a whole. I thought they made great use of both videos and memes (especially the memes). The interactive element, with the short quiz and survey of the quiz's results, was quite enjoyable. Not only did it serve to help retain their audience's attention, but it also helped us relate to the concept they were expounding upon.

The website is very clean and smooth, and their logo on the home page is unique and fitting. I found it to be intuitive for the most part, with my only problem being that the topics are kind of shoved to the side under a sidebar. Other than that, easy to navigate and use. It may be a small thing, but I was impressed by the images they chose to represent the topics for people to work together on. Any of them is a simple reverse Google image search away, but the ones they chose do have the sense of someone actually posting them on there.

As for the idea itself, I quite enjoy it. I think figuring out a system for facilitating the creation of groups is a useful solution to the core problem of group work: creating a highly compatible and efficient group. So many times have I felt incompatible with a group and felt somewhat left behind, ending up becoming the social loafer not because I'm lazy but because I ended up feeling like I couldn't work with them. A system like the one they detailed would help solve a lot of those problems. I don't know on what scale it would operate, but if I've learned anything in designing things it's that options are almost always a good idea. It would be easy to make it so that the person creating the topic they want help on could select whether they want it open for anyone at either their school or the world to join. The system for ranking previous partners would need to be worked out, but then again so would a lot of kinks once it would be actually put into motion for a period. I imagine that there would probably be a few beta versions before the final release.

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