
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Angela needed Attention

In the movie Catfish, Angela is a woman who created multiple Facebook accounts. She stole pictures from other people's accounts and created her own profiles with different personalities for each. Nev, the protagonist in the movie, gets in contact with her through her artwork and begins to have a romantic relationship with one of her fake profiles (Megan). When he meets Angela in person, she continues to lie about some of the things she said, but Nev has compassion on her and accepts her as a friend. Personally, I believe Angela was lonely and needed attention and maybe that isn't a bad thing. Angela had two disabled sons and a husband who was not really around. That can really take a lot out of somebody and I personally believe that she was lonely. I don't think she catfished out of a bad heart with the intent of hurting somebody or even playing a joke. She just wanted some attention and compassion. I don't believe that we can necessarily blame her for that. What we can blame her for is for continuing to lie once she was face to face with Nev. For example, she had absolutely no right or reason to say she had cancer. That was unacceptable and inexcusable. She also didn't need to get her daughter involved in the way she did. For example, if Nev was somebody who meant harm to her family, she would've directly gotten her daughter in harms way because of her lies and that isn't acceptable. Think about it. She let Nev go and meet her and talk to her alone (even though her friend was there with her) but there were no adults around. If Nev had ill intent for her, it would've all been Angela's fault and I don't think that's something that she considered. Also, granted, it wasn't 2018 and people weren't as bad as they are now but still it is the principle of the matter. I do believe that Angela shouldn't get as much hate and backlash for the making of her profiles though. I would've said that maybe she should've went out and met with people but she did have a husband. When people are married, you don't go out and date other people which is why the internet was really her only source of finding love. I'm not sure if she talked to her husband about her needs or not but maybe she should have. If she had, maybe their relationship would've improved and she wouldn't have turned to catfishing? 

1 comment:

Cherina Spencer said...

I completely agree with your whole post. I did feel sympathetic for her when I saw emotional tears and her stressful life time. But there are better ways in handling stress than to just catfish out of the blue. She could've enrolled in a Zumba, yoga, or even a meditation class while her husband takes over for awhile. If she needed attention, then she could've easily gotten it from her husband. Who am I to judge her lifestyle, maybe her husband didn't give her attention which is why she started catfishing. (Hopefully I didn't come off as mean).