
Sunday, April 22, 2018

little house on the parking lot

The second group presentation had a cute and fashionista type of approach to an eco friendly way of living. The group called their invention “Tiny Homes”. This “green” home is about less than one fourth of the size of a normal one story house. The tiny homes are self-sufficient so they can easily be transported to different locations without the need for plumbing and pipes having to be laid down in the area. The homes has the conscience of moving like a trailer park home, the class of a mansion, and a green way of function as a vegan hippie. To energize the homes, the self operating home uses human waste as well as solar energy. The home also reduce, reuse, and recycles water throughout the home while also using a water filtering system. Not only how the whole house operation is neat but the prices are pretty darn good too. The base price of one of these tiny homes can range from about fifteen thousand to twenty thousand dollars. I was wondering why the price is so low but it was later explained that these homes are to help people back on their feet. Kind of like section 8 housing, people pay extremely reduced rent for a home. Another great factor that I, and perhaps others, enjoyed about tiny homes is that they are customizable. On the group’s website, you can order your home and it will be delivered through UberMove (another idea i enjoyed). On the website, you can also pick out a design as well as a floor plan for your own tiny home.  The styles range from back in the day type of country to modern day chic and futuristic. As for the floor plans, there are several to choose from but you can only go up to two story tiny houses. Even though tiny homes was kind of already an idea, i really liked the pro green aspect of it and the level of independence it allowed the homeowner to have as well as the independence that the home itself had with being off the grid away from monopolies like MLGW. This idea really allows a tiny house to automatically become a home with how it lets the future homeowner decide on even the smallest of decision through the website and ordering it. The funding may be a little iffy but i would see this idea aspiring in the future.


Unknown said...

I agree! I loved the idea of helping the environment. I think the project overall lacked some creativity, but I did enjoy the presentation. And I also agree that the prices were attention grabbing, although I wonder how it could actually work and be that cheap.

Unknown said...

I definitely love that with this idea they are trying to help save the environment which is in total shambles these days; it such a shame that not many people care or even know about how badly our environment is becoming, so I definitely love the idea that parts of their presentation sort of addressed some aspects of how we are slowly destroying our environment!