
Monday, April 16, 2018

Sherlock Holmes and the Fishing Cat

Hi! My name is Megan. I’m an attractive young woman. I’m into all of the same things that you are into. I look like I could be a model, I sound like a professional singer, I can play any instrument imaginable. Actually, if you see it being done on the internet, odds are I’m able to do it. Do I sound too good to be true? Well… I am. My pictures were stolen from some random girl. My background story was completely made up. Nobody truly knows where I am right now. But to make matters worse, my character is being portrayed by my 50-year-old mother. I hope that doesn’t creep you out. Odds are that I have no idea who you are, and no idea that my identity is being used to trick you into falling in love.
So, let me break it down for you, from Nev’s original perspective. Our friend Nev started a suspicious friendship with an 8-year-old little girl, Abby. Nev was under the influence that Abby was this amazing artist with an extremely bright future. He then befriended the mother Angela, who was very supportive of her daughter’s career. That led to him befriending Megan, Abby’s older sister, who he later started a very intimate virtual relationship, almost like the robot and lady from that first Black Mirror episode.
Well, due to some suspicious messages, Nev went full on Sherlock Holmes and dug up the truth. As everyone who didn’t skip class should be aware of at this point, Megan’s computer personality is portrayed by Angela. Angela also portrays Abby’s computer personality, as well as around 10 others. I will not lie, her talent for multitasking is pretty impressive and she should have taken up acting before she started a career in the Catfish Circus. But this leads to a huge question, what is this woman’s problem?
Angela obviously is not okay. She has some serious issues going on at her house which would drive the average person up the wall. I almost want to feel bad for her, I don’t feel bad for her, I just almost wish I could. In an interview she pleaded as schizophrenic, bipolar, etc. I’m not sure what I would want to call her. I know she lives a difficult lifestyle, and I think that the different accounts on facebook are her war of coping with her issues. I couldn’t say that it’s a split personality disorder, because she seems to be perfectly aware of what’s happening. I would have to say she has some extreme form of depression.
I disagree with her methods of coping and the fact that she caused so much emotional trauma with Nev. But, Nev is a trooper and dealt with this much better than I would have. He knew something was obviously wrong with this woman and the family, and didn’t want to turn this into a huge issue, aside from the fact he made a multimillion dollar movie out of it. He didn’t want to be responsible for hurting this woman anymore, even though she may have deserved it. But, I think he did the right thing by not calling her out and embarrassing her in front of everybody, right then and there. He handled it the mature way and dealt with the issue at-hand one on one with Angela. I’m just shocked that she gave him permission to use her in this movie, honestly.


Katherine T. said...

These are all really great points that you make about the movie Catfish. Matter of fact, because of these reasons, some people have a hard time believing that Catfish is an actual documentary and not dramatized in any way. Personally, I think it's mostly real, but it's hard to say what may have been faked in an attempt to make more money on the movie.

Unknown said...

This is a good summary of the movie, with a lot of valid points about Angela and how weird she was.

Unknown said...

I agree that Angela wasn't in the right state of mind and really had some things wrong with her. I do feel bad for her in a way because she was obviously unhappy with her surroundings and she was stuck with three children and a husband and traded her wants for a stable lifestyle. It doesn't justify her lying to nev for ninth months and weaving these giant lies, however.

Erica Maurer said...

I like how you put it at the beginning, looking back on the story, she is too good to be true. I agree that Angela is suffering with some sort of issue because of her actions in this situation. I also agree that this "coping mechanism" is unacceptable.