
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Voting made better

Vote-ifed is an app that is aimed to increase the number of voters. We all know that many people opt out of voting because they just think either candidate is good. So, people simply don’t vote. With this app though, it should be able to increase the number of voters and actually impact the poles and decide who will win. Rather than always ending up with either candidate that wont be good from anyway you look at it. So the app was definitely a great idea. My only problem is that this app could be intended for people who actually want to vote. I’m not sure that this app would interest people who simply don’t care about voting. This app does have lots of potential though. I can definitely see how this app could increase the number a bit but I would still wonder how people who don’t want to vote would then be interested in voting. Another thing I did like about the app though, was how easy it made it look at the candidates’ ideas and how it listed the election dates. Sometimes people don’t know what the candidates are thinking about or doing and want more information. So, linking up a way to look at their website and see what their vision is definitely helps out in aspect of time. You just simply go somewhere and click the link and everything you want to read is there. You don’t really have to do research and worry about using up more time than you have in your day. The part about including the election dates also helped a lot because people don’t always know what day they are. Especially people who are constantly doing something every day. the days just fly by them but with the help of this app, they will be able to know exactly what day to be ready for to go and vote. The last thing, is that im hoping in the future, they incorporate a way to vote from the app. Now that would be a crazy awesome feature. I can’t really remember who made that comment, but I do agree with it. At that point, this app would become one of the most downloaded apps to ever be out on a platform for downloading. Not only would it make it easier to vote, but I do believe more people would want to actually vote since it would be simpler.


Unknown said...

I agree. It is very important for people to vote for something they believe in. If people never had voted, our country itself might've never survived. Today people are not worried because they believe it doesn't effect them directly when in fact it does.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I think being able to vote from an app would be very convenient. I understand the risks of getting hacked is high with a feature like this, but I feel like everything is getting hacked nowadays anyway.

Kristen Howard said...

I agree as well. This app does have a lot of potential! I feel like it is truly important for voting to be easier and to have information about the candidates readily available.

Benjamin Garrett said...

I think if there was an awards ceremony for the projects that we did, this app would get the "Has Potential" award. The app idea is so great, but the group really didn't build it out to its full potential.

Jasmine Winebarger said...

I agree with Ben, I like the concept of the app, but I feel like it could have been executed a lot better. I myself am not into politics and having an app where all of the information is useful and convenient, but I don't think I would be able to come upon this app myself without some help from advertisements. I think that they would have to focus on advertising this app to people who are not already interested.

Pedroruva said...

I loved the idea, it would be hard to get it across though.