The film Catfish causes a lot of mixed feelings for anyone watching the film. Probably the first reaction, when they start to piece evidence together, is shock and confusion… and then maybe a bit of sympathy for the actual woman, because of the life she lives… and then back to the confusion part, because so many questions are left unanswered. One of the main questions would have to be “Why would someone take the time of their life/day and live in a fantasy? Why would anyone do that?” Throughout the whole film, Nev seemed a bit uncomfortable with confronting “Megan”, but come on now, who wouldn’t? Imagine meeting someone online, and you seem to get that feeling that they are absolutely wonderful, but then come to find out, the person isn’t really who they say they are. You’d be in shock too, and probably would not want anything to do with that person anymore. In a different perspective though, not many would view it this way, but some may see it as the real person’s physical appearance just doesn’t match the actual pictures, but the personality does. That is still the same person they were communicating with, just a different face to it. Also, to the people who feel sympathy towards the “catfisher” base it off of their life by saying that they have it hard, and that they need some form of escape from their real life. But doesn’t that sound crazy? In this case, Angela did have it hard, but that still doesn’t provide us with a clear reason as to why she chose to do what she did. At the very end of things, everything turned out to be a lie anyways,
The internet now a day gives us access to MILLIONS of possible photos that can be used as a disguise for someone else, and that put us on edge everyday with meeting someone through any type of social media. Ever since this term started going viral, everyone is at risk of falling a victim of Catfishing, but what are some things that can prevent this from going forward? There should be a process to where it wouldn’t allow you to use anyone’s photos, that you did not upload to your computer, or took with your cellphone, but we all know that isn’t going to happen. Catfishing became a really big thing since the term went viral, and it still is happening to this day, and right under our noses. So, the big questions out of this are: how can we prevent this from happening? And How do we know who to trust online?
I agree with your solution that we shouldn't just be able post pictures that we don't own. It would be better for security.
I liked when you said, "throughout the whole film, Nev seemed a bit uncomfortable with confronting “Megan”, but come on now, who wouldn’t? Imagine meeting someone online, and you seem to get that feeling that they are absolutely wonderful, but then come to find out, the person isn’t really who they say they are". That is so true because I felt so heartbroken for Nev. He was so sweet and not only interested in Megan but the entire family. We really do not know who to trust online that is why we should always look for certain clues like how "Megan" continuously lied about her singing. That was a huge one for me and when he tried to talk to Abby, but she sounded confused.
When you mention that Angela's situation wasn't a clear reason for what she did, I do think that her reason was clear but I don't think that is was a good one. I think that she could have gone about her situation differently.
I agree with you in that every person would be in some way shocked but might deal with it differently. For example, after finding out what Angela had done, I would never want to deal with her again.
I don't think there is a way honestly. Like you said, with the creation of the internet, we have access to so many people's images and profiles and the possibilities are endless. I don't think there is a way for us to stay safe from the catfishers smh.
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